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Natalie R Haupt

Natalie R Haupt

Stark County Court of Common Pleas General Division
Full Term Commencing April 16, 2025

Candidate Details

  • Residence
  • Email
  • Social Media
  • Age
  • Occupation
    Common Pleas Judge
  • Education

    Case Western Reserve University School of Law, J.D. 2002

    The Ohio State University, B.A., summa cum laude, 1999

  • Work Experience

    Judge, Common Pleas, General Division, April 2019-present

    Magistrate, Common Pleas, General Division, August 2003-April 2019

    Portage County Assistant Public Defender,  2002 – 2003

  • Family
    Married with 2 children
  • Affiliations

    Stark County Bar Association 2003-present

             Social Committee co-chair 2022-present

             Community Involvement Committee 2015-present

             Executive Committee 2016-2019

    Ohio State Bar Association 2003-present

    Ohio Judicial Conference 2019-present

    Ohio Association of Magistrates 2003-2019

              2019 Judicial Award Recipient

    Stark Community Corrections Planning Board Member

              Judicial Liaison Adult Probation Department

    The ABCD Inc. (Association for Better Community Development)

              Board of Trustees and Management Committee

    Women's Impact Inc.

    Graduate, Leadership Stark County 30th Class

    Lake Local Schools Mock Trial Advisor 

    Lake Community YMCA Advisory Board 


  • Bar Association Ratings

    "Highly Recommended" Rating, Stark County Bar Association 2024

Photo of Natalie R Haupt Natalie R Haupt

Question 1

List your judicial experience (courts and years)

Stark County Common Pleas Magistrate 2003-2019

Stark County Common Pleas Judge 2019-present

     Administrative Judge 2023

     Presiding Judge 2020

Presiding Judge 2019-present, Stark County Common Pleas
Drug-Domestic Violence Court, Certified by Ohio Supreme Court Specialized Dockets Section

Question 2

What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?

I am honored to have spent my entire legal career in public service, mostly in a judicial capacity. As a public defender, I represented indigent clients in all phases of criminal defense.  As a magistrate and judge, I have gained knowledge on a wide range of legal issues and have authored countless opinions.  Having spent over 21 years in the Common Pleas Court I have handled an extensive docket of both criminal and civil cases and have presided over hundreds of hearings and approximately 70 jury trials.  

Question 3

Why are you running for this particular court seat?

Serving the Stark County community has been a privilege and I am eager to continue in this role. In particular, I intend to continue my work with the Drug-Domestic Violence Court, working to break the cycle of violence in the home and reduce recidivism.  I have worked to bring technological innovation to the Court and will continue to do so.  I believe I have a demonstrated record of fairness and have displayed appropriate judicial temperament during my time on the bench.  Ensuring that the playing field is level for all litigants and treating those who come before me with respect is the cornerstone of my judicial philosophy.