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Jennifer A Petrella

Jennifer A Petrella

Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations Division
Full Term Commencing Jan. 2, 2025

Candidate Details

  • Residence
  • Email
  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Age
  • Occupation
    Montgomery County Domestic Relations Court Administrator & Magistrate
  • Education

    Wheeling Jesuit College, 1995:  Bachelor of Arts, History and Laut Honors Degrees, Cum Laude

    University of Dayton School of Law, 1998:  Juris Doctor

    Certified Court Manager, National Center for State Courts

  • Work Experience

    1997 - 2015 Montgomery County Juvenile Court

    - Part-time Law Clerk:  worked on Child Protection Mediation, Community Court and Drug Court programs

    -Caseflow Specialist

    -Chief Deputy Clerk, manager of Clerks Office and 24 staff

    -Director of Court Services, manager of Clerks Office and Clerks in the Courtroom 40 staff


    2015 - Current  Montgomery County Domestic Relations Court

    - Court Administrator - overseeing all daily Court operations, including budget, payroll, secuirty human resources, public relations, outreach on education, special projects and security. Leader / Point of contact for grants, contracts, and special projects.

    - Part-time Magistrate covering Judicial dockets; maintaining weekly docket hearing Petitions for Protection Orders; hearing referred cases from Judges on Divorce and post-decree motions;  hearing and deciding post decree / reactivation motions on protection orders in the subject matters to modify spousal or child support; registration of foreign orders; contempt; parental rights and responsibilities / parenting time modifications, division of property, etc 

    -Direct Supervisor of 5 Managers and 6 staff


    Univeristy of Dayton School of Law, Adjunct Professor (2022- Present)

    - Grading Road to Bar Passage essays for students preparing for the upoming bar exams

    - Mentoring externs (working for class credit) / law students (hired for part-time employment) in both the day-to-day responsibilities at the Court as well as real-world application for using the education, degrees and pursuit of licensure.

  • Family
    Single; Step-Grandparent through previous relationship
  • Affiliations

    University of Dayton School of Law:  Adjunct i Road to Bar Passage; Bar Practice and Process; Externship

    Miami Valley Crime Stoppers - Treasurer

    Montgomery County Juvenile Court Foundation - Trustee

    Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence - Current Member; Previous co / vice-chair for period of 4 years

    Supreme Court of Ohio - currently serving on Workgroup for Time Guidelines and the Education Committee; previous committee member (6 years / 2 terms) of the Advisory Board for Children, Family and the Courts; Best Practices Committee, Court Administrator's Guide Workgroup, Clerks Education Committee.

    Ohio Bar Association

    Dayton Bar Association

    Ohio Association of Magistrates

    Ohio Association of Court Administrators

    Stanley Greenberg Family Law Forum

    St. Peter Church Pantry

    St. Peter Church Member

    WATTS - Wayne Avenue/ Twin Towers Association

    St. Vincent de Paul / St. Helen Parish Conference (previous member)

    Overlook Mutual Homes (previous board member)

    Mediator, City of Dayton (previous volunteer)

    Phi Alpha Delta (Legal Fraternity)

    Alpha Sigma Nu (Honor Fraternity of Jesuit Colleges and Universities)

  • Endorsements

    Ohio State Representative Tom Young (House District 37)

    Montgomery County Sheriff Rob Streck

    City of Vandalia, Chief of Police Kurt Althouse

    Montgomery County Treasurer John McManus

  • Bar Association Ratings

    Attorney in good standing

    Magistrate at Motgomery County Domestic Relations Court

    Member of DBA

Photo of Jennifer A Petrella Jennifer A Petrella

Question 1

List your judicial experience (courts and years)

2015 - Current  Montgomery County Domestic Relations Court - Court Adminstrator and Magistrate

* NOTE:  I hold 27 Years of total COURT Experience - including 1997-2015 at Montgomery County Juvenile Court (Law Clerk, Chief Deputy Clerk, Director of Court Services). While not acting as a Judge / Magistrate, I had invaluable experience working from within a court.


Question 2

What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?

Judges are required to have legal experience to take their seats, but Judges are also required to wear so many other administrative hats while serving in their positions.  They are the ultimate decider and ones responsible for all that occurs in their Court.  As a Court Administrator, I work hand-in-hand, daily, with both of my Judges in the daily operations of the Court. This includes the management of staff, from onboarding to termination and retirement.  I am point person for security matters for the Courts and oversee human resources.  I go out into the community to educate constituents about Court resources, introduce them to staff and connect them with persons who can assist them in resolving their issues.

I assist the Judges by representing them and our Court's interests in county-wide meetings. I also work with them daily and run the court business. I oversee the annual budget, daily expernditures and payroll / salary reviews. We recognize that this 'business' is paid for by tax payers monies, and so we together work diligently to look for additional funding sources.  I have been successful in pulling down both federal dollars and grant funds to supplement local taxpayer dollars in running our programs.

I have collaborated with local officals and state entities to enhance access to the Court. A most recent example is working with the non-profit Ohio Legal Help to devleop the first Domestic Relations Virtual Self-Help Center. This not only benefits Montgomery County residents, but parties state-wide.  I led the team for two years to develop the platform, write the language used in descriptions and test the final product.  Our work and collaboration resulted in a $250,000 grant-funded project coming to Montgomery County, and launching in 2023.  Today, parties are completing forms and experiencing an enhanced way to access the court for FREE.  

My years as a top-ranking Administrator in the Court has resulted in making local and state-wide connections. In addition to the above examples of collaboration and innovation, I participate on education committees and workgroups with the Supreme Court of Ohio. I have unique insights and work in groups insturmental in moving our Court forwards in our service to the communities we serve. I am privy to new national and local education / training trends, and I regularly work on improving transparency in our reporting requirements and communications with the public we serve. My daily work focuses on both enhancing access to the Court and improving  public trust and confidence in the Court.  This work is just another way that  supports me being the best person to fill the seat as Domestic Relations Court Judge.

Question 3

Why are you running for this particular court seat?

The families and individuals of Montgomery County requiring the services of Domestic Relations Court DESERVE a Judge, who is empassioned about providing them with access to a court experience that not only meets their needs, but shows empathy, while deliverying an equitable and fair result. 

I have worked in Domestic Relations Court for the past 9 years, and I am a recognized leader for the Court with the local bar and agencies throughout the County.  I am prepared to transition into the role as Judge.  I not only hear cases as a Magistrate, but I am the ONLY person who is familiar with the administrative responsibilities that a Judge in our division faces. My county and state-wide connections are ready to start working with me on future projects to make our community safer and to enhance service to our public. 

I have dedicated my entire life to serving Montgomery County - families, children and those seeking a life in a safe environment, free from domestic violence. I not only work above and beyond for those coming to the Court, but I freely give of my time, working to make my community stronger and safer. I FIND PURPOSE IN THE SERVICE I PROVIDE EVERY SINGLE DAY, and I WOULD BE PROUD TO SERVE AS YOUR NEXT DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT JUDGE.