Candidate Details
- Residence
Russell Township - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
68 - Occupation
Judge - Education
Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, Ohio-J.D., January, 1981
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts-A.B. in Political Science, cum laude, May 1978
Columbus School for Girls, Columbus, Ohio, May, 1974
- Work Experience
Judge, Ohio Court of Appeals, 11th District 2007-2013 & 2019-present
Thrasher, Dinsmore & Dolan, Of Counsel, Cleveland, Ohio, 2013-2014 & Principal, 2015-2019
Mediation and arbitration services at the pre-trial, post-trial and appellate stages
Appellate consulting services: trial court record review and case evaluation, brief review and writing, and mock oral arguments
Appellate and trial advocacy in all areas of complex civil and criminal litigation in state and federal courts
Martindale Hubbell “AV” Attorney Rating, Avvo “Superb” Rating, Super Lawyers recognition in Business Litigation and Fellow in the trial lawyer honorary society, Litigation Counsel of America
Apicella & Trapp, Cleveland, Ohio, Managing Partner, 1986-2007
General Civil and Criminal Trial and Appellate Practice with an emphasis on complex tort, small business, child custody, and probate litigation. Martindale Hubbell “AV” Attorney Rating. Martindale Hubbell “AV” Firm Rating
City of Cleveland Heights, Police Department, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, Civil Service Interviewer, 2002-2006
Trapp Family Real Estate, Columbus, Ohio, Commercial Real Estate Development and Management corporation, General Counsel, 1990-2003
Stein, Trapp, & Associates, Cleveland Ohio, Partner, 1981-1986 General civil and criminal trial and appellate practice focusing on commercial, bankruptcy and real estate litigation and probate estate administration and litigation.
Krause, Klein, & Associates, Cleveland, Ohio, Associate, 1981
General civil and criminal trial and appellate practice focusing on commercial bankruptcy and real estate litigation and probate estate administration and litigation.
Krause, Klein, & Associates, Cleveland, Ohio, Law Clerk, 1979 -1981
Cleveland Bar Association, Cleveland, Ohio, Petition Circulator, Summer, 1979
Westview Swim Club, Columbus, Ohio, Manager and Water Safety Instructor, Summer, 1976, 1977, and 1978. Lifeguard, Summer, 1974
Ohio Supreme Court Law Library, Columbus, Ohio, Intern, Summer, 1975
Franklin County Common Pleas Court, Assignment Commissioner’s Office, Columbus, Ohio, Intern, May 1974 - Family
Widow, 4 step-children, 3 step-granchildren & 1 step-great-grandchild - Affiliations
Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 2009-2011 – Chair, Appellate Rules Subcommittee, 2011
Supreme Court of Ohio Task Force to Review the Ohio Disciplinary System, 2009-2011
Supreme Court of Ohio Professionalism Commission, 2008
Supreme Court of Ohio CLE Commission, 2005-2008
Supreme Court of Ohio Committee on Technology – Member of Subcommittee on Privacy and Technology, Appellate Work Group, 2002-2005
Supreme Court of Ohio Rules Advisory Committee – Member of Appellate Rules Subcommittee, 1997-2000
Supreme Court of Ohio Records Management Task Force, 1995-1997
Supreme Court of Ohio Unauthorized Practice of Law Task Force, 1990-1994
Supreme Court of Ohio Board of Commissioners on the Unauthorized Practice of Law, 1986-1989SPECIAL COURT APPOINTMENTS
Geauga County Probate Court, Master Commissioner, In re Chester Township Park District, 2014-2016
American Bar Foundation, Life Fellow
ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition, National Brief Judge, 2009
American Bar Association House of Delegates, Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Delegate, 2008-2012
American Bar Association House of Delegates, Ohio State Bar Association Delegate, 2002-2008
National Conference of Bar Presidents, Membership Committee, Member, 2001-2006
American Bar Association, Member, 1981-present
Council of Chief Judges of The State Courts of Appeal, Education Committee, Member,, Chair 2020-present & member, Executive Committee and Annual Conference Planning Committee. 2023-present
Ohio Jury Instructions, Board of Editors, 2008 – present & Co-Chair, 2022-present
Appellate Law and Procedure Committee, Member, 2019-present
Civil Law and Procedure Committee, Member, 2007 – 2013 & 2021-present
Ohio Court of Appeals Judges’ Association, Member, 2007 – 2013
Civil Law and Procedure Committee, Attorney Liaison Representative, 1995-1997OHIO JUDICIAL COLLEGE
Appellate Judges Curriculum Planning Committee, 2011 – 2013 and 2023-present
Developed courses on the topics of the Ohio Constitution and Administrative LawSTATE POSITIONS AND ACTIVITIES
Ohio State Bar Association, President, 2001-2002
Ohio State Bar Association, Board of Governors, 2000-2003; 1995-1998
Ohio State Bar Association Special Committee to Review Gender Fairness Task Force Report, 2008 – 2011
Ohio State Bar Association & Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation Judicially-Led Pro Bono Project, Dist. 11 Chair, 2007-2013
Ohio State Bar Association Judicial Administration and Legal Reform Committee, Chair, 1993-1995; 2007-2009; Member, 1988- present
Ohio State Bar Association Council of Delegates, Member, 1986-2011
Ohio State Bar Association, Women in the Profession, Board of Governors, 1999-2008
Ohio State Bar Association Foundation, Life Fellow and Trustee, 1999-2002
Ohio State Bar Association, Advertising Task Force and Tort Reform Special Committee
House Counsel Task Force, Chair, 2002
Ohio Printing Company, Director, 2000-2003
Ohio Bar Liability Insurance Company, Director
Ohio State Bar Association Diversity and Profession Steering Committee, Chair, 2000-2001
Ohio CLE Institute, Trustee, 1995-1998; Treasurer, 1997-1998; Chair, 1999LOCAL AND SPECIALITY BAR ASSOCIATIONS AND ACTIVITIES
William K. Thomas Inn of Court, Cleveland, Ohio, 2014-present, President-Elect, 2020 & 2021, President 2023
Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Mentor, 2004-present
Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Judge for National Moot Court and Introduction for First Year Students, 2008-2015
Cleveland State University School of Law, Mentor, 2004-2007
Geauga County Bar Association Community Service and Public Relations Committee, Member, 2004-present; Chair, 2006
Geauga County Bar Association, Ipso Jure Committee, Member and Contributing Author
Geauga County Bar Association, Law Day Chair, 2012-present
Geauga County Bar Association, District 18 Chair, 2010-2011
Portage County Bar Association Legal Services Committee, Member, 2011-present
Judicial Conference of the Eighth Judicial District, Life Member
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Unauthorized Practice of Law, Prosecutor, 2000
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, Nominating Committee, Member, 2009 & 2010
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, Trustee, 1995-1998
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, Member, 1981- present
Cuyahoga County Bar Association, Trustee, 1986-1993; 1998-2008
Cuyahoga County Bar Association, Treasurer, 1993-1994
Cuyahoga County Bar Association, Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee, Chair, 1986-1987
Cuyahoga County Bar Association, CLE Committee, Past Chair
Cuyahoga County Bar Association, Judicial Selection Committee (Later known as JCRC), Past Member
Cuyahoga County Bar Association Character and Fitness Committee, Past Member
Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court, Guardian ad Litem
Ohio Women’s Bar Association, Member and Board Member, 2016-2021
Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers, Past MemberCOMMUNITY ACTIVITIES AND OFFICES
St. Anslem, St. Franics of Assisi, and The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist parishes
Cuyahoga County Bail Task Force, Subcommittee on Social and Economic Impact, Co-Chair, and one of four collaborative authors of the report, 2017-2018
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, Development Committee, Member, 2013- and Co-Chair, 2014-2016
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, Board of Trustees, 2014-2018
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, Finance Committee, Member, 2014-2018
Community Legal Aid, Development Committee, Member, 2014-2018
Developed the “Civics Learners & Leaders” community outreach program designed to promote and encourage young people in middle school and high school to learn about law and citizenship
Lake County United Way Women’s Initiative, Charter Member, 2007-present
Geauga County United Way Women’s Initiative, Member, 2014-present
Chagrin Valley Women’s Club, Member, 2007-2103
Russell Civic Club and Friends of Russell, Past Member
Geauga County Agricultural Society, Member, 2003-present
Columbus School for Girls Alumnae Association President 2023-2024
Columbus School for Girls, National Alumnae Council and Past President
Columbus School for Girls Board of Trustees, Past Member
Mount Holyoke College Alumnae Association Program Committee, Member - Bar Association Ratings
Highly Recommended, Geauga County Bar Association
While Ohio does not have mid-term evaluations of its judges, I was the only 2010 Supreme Court of Ohio candidate to receive a perfect, 4.0 rating from the non-partisan Judicial Candidates Rating Coalition-“” In 2012 and 2018, I received “Highly Recommended” ratings from all bar associations in the five county appellate district that conduct ratings, some by historically high margins.

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
I returned to the bench in February 2019, having previously served six years as a judge on the Eleventh District Court of Appeals from 2007 to 2013. I have served as its Presiding/Administrative Judge on four occasions. I have also served as a visiting judge on the Supreme Court of Ohio and in four sister appellate districts by assignment of the Chief Justice. As the court’s Administrative Judge, I managed the “business” side of the court, including its budget, IT, and HR issues.
I have authored over 1,000 opinions and heard more than 2,000 cases. I am honored to have had over 100 opinions selected for publication. I have also authored numerous articles for local, state, and national legal journals and publications.
I am a leader at the state and national level in issues of administration of justice and legal reform. I have served on nine Supreme Court of Ohio commissions, committees, and task forces to develop policy for the bench and bar and served on Ohio Judicial Conference and College committees, including continuing service on the Ohio Jury Instructions Board of Editors, which I co-chair. I am a member of the Executive Committee of the Council of Chief Judges of the State Courts of Appeal and chair its Education Committee. I frequently present to appellate and trial court judges on topics of artificial intelligence, criminal law, and judicial opinion writing.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersI returned to the bench in February 2019, having previously served six years as a judge on the Eleventh District Court of Appeals from 2007 to 2013. I have served as its Presiding/Administrative Judge on four occasions. I have also served as a visiting judge on the Supreme Court of Ohio and in four sister appellate districts by assignment of the Chief Justice. As the court’s Administrative Judge, I managed the “business” side of the court, including its budget, IT, and HR issues.
I have authored over 1,000 opinions and heard more than 2,000 cases. I am honored to have had over 100 opinions selected for publication. I have also authored numerous articles for local, state, and national legal journals and publications.
I am a leader at the state and national level in issues of administration of justice and legal reform. I have served on nine Supreme Court of Ohio commissions, committees, and task forces to develop policy for the bench and bar and served on Ohio Judicial Conference and College committees, including continuing service on the Ohio Jury Instructions Board of Editors, which I co-chair. I am a member of the Executive Committee of the Council of Chief Judges of the State Courts of Appeal and chair its Education Committee. I frequently present to appellate and trial court judges on topics of artificial intelligence, criminal law, and judicial opinion writing.
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I bring my 37 years in private practice I bring to the court my extensive courtroom experience as a civil and criminal trial and appellate litigator practicing in the trenches of our justice system helping ordinary people with their extraordinary problems. I represented working families, children at risk, and small business owners in courts across the state from small claims court to the Supreme Court of Ohio. My career as a practicing attorney included service as lead counsel in more than 50 major appellate cases, including cases before the Ohio Supreme Court, and 40 major civil and criminal jury trials. I was certified as co-counsel in death penalty cases. I have also served as counsel in over 200 arbitrations and civil and criminal bench trials at all levels of state and federal court, as well as being appointed as counsel in civil commitment (mental health) hearings. I served as a guardian ad litem for children in the domestic relations court. On the federal level, I had the opportunity to practice in the federal courts of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. I also had the opportunity to practice before both state and federal administrative agencies. I provided mediation and arbitration services for attorneys, businesses, and governmental entities at the pre-trial, post-trial, and appellate stages of a claim. I provided consulting services to other private attorneys, law firms, prosecutors, and other governmental law departments, and organizations, offing a "second set of eyes" opinions in complex cases, including the opioid cases in Northeast Ohio.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersI bring my 37 years in private practice to the court my extensive courtroom experience as civil and criminal trial and appellate litigator practicing in the trenches of our justice system helping ordinary people with their extraordinary problems. I represented working families, children at risk, and small business owners in courts across the state from small claims court to the Supreme Court of Ohio. My career as a practicing attorney included service as lead counsel in more than 50 major appellate cases, including cases before the Ohio Supreme Court, and 40 major civil and criminal jury trials. I was certified as co-counsel in death penalty cases. I have also served as counsel in over 200 arbitrations and civil and criminal bench trials at all levels of state and federal court, as well as being appointed as counsel in civil commitment (mental health) hearings. I served as a guardian ad litem for children in the domestic relations court. On the federal level, I had the opportunity to practice in the federal courts of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. I also had the opportunity to practice before both state and federal administrative agencies. I provided mediation and arbitration services for attorneys, businesses, and governmental entities at the pre-trial, post-trial, and appellate stages of a claim. I provided consulting services to other private attorneys, law firms, prosecutors, and other governmental law departments, and organizations, offing a "second set of eyes" opinions in complex cases, including the opioid cases in Northeast Ohio.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
With an impending retirement, I was asked by community leaders to come home to Geauga County to serve as a trial judge rather than serve another term as an appellate court judge in Geauga and four other counties in the district. These leaders want a judge with extensive experience as both a judge and a litigator who has civil and criminal jury trial experience. They want a judge with a proven track record of legal scholarship, fairness and impartiality, and administrative efficiency. I look forward to returning to my roots in the law-the trial courtroom. My career has given me invaluable years of experience as a judge scrutinizing decisions of trial courts, coupled with a rich tapestry of life experiences and a robust background as a litigator. This, combined with my unwavering passion for the law and legal reform, propels me to vie for this court seat. My vision for public service is driven by a commitment to ensure the safety of our families, expedite the resolution of legal matters, and safeguard a judicial system that is fair and impartial. I have the judicial track record to document my adherence to that vision. I am eager to leverage my unique blend of expertise, life wisdom, and fervor for justice to navigate the intricate terrain of the trial court, making swift and sound decisions for all those who seek justice. Never a day goes by that I do not appreciate the enormous impact that court decisions have on people’s lives.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersWith an impending retirement, I community leaders asked me to come home to Geauga County to serve as a trial judge rather than serve another term as an appellate court judge in Geauga and four other counties in the district. These leaders want a judge with extensive experience as a judge and a litigator with civil and criminal jury trial experience. They want a judge with a proven track record of legal scholarship, fairness and impartiality, and administrative efficiency. I look forward to returning to my roots in the law-the trial courtroom. My career has given me invaluable years of experience as a judge scrutinizing decisions of trial courts, coupled with a rich tapestry of life experiences and a robust background as a litigator. This, combined with my unwavering passion for the law and legal reform, propels me to vie for this court seat. My vision for public service is driven by a commitment to ensure the safety of our families, expedite the resolution of legal matters, and safeguard a judicial system that is fair and impartial. I have the judicial track record to document my adherence to that vision. I am eager to leverage my unique blend of expertise, life wisdom, and fervor for justice to navigate the intricate terrain of the trial court, making swift and sound decisions for all those who seek justice. Never a day goes by that I do not appreciate the enormous impact that court decisions have on people’s lives.