Candidate Details
- Residence
Cleveland Heights - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
50 - Occupation
Attorney / Magistrate - Education
B.A. Criminal Justice Studies, Kent State University 1992-1996
J.D. Cleveland Marshall College Of Law, 1997-2001
- Work Experience
T. Hess & Associates, LLC 2005-present
Of Counsel to Obral Silk & Pal 2011 -2019
Law Clerk, Attorney at Law Offices Of Mark J. Obral, 2001-2003
- Family
Married, 1 Adult daughter and a 7 year old grandson - Affiliations
Knights of Columbus, St. Ann's Church, Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Valley View Hunt Club /
Unites States Concealed Carry Association, Critical Response Attorney
Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Cuyahoga County Defense Lawyers Assiciation
DUI Defense Lawyers Asociation
National Association of Trial Lawyers
- Endorsements
Republican Party of Cuyahoga County
Buckeye Firearms Association
Strongsville Mayor Tom Perciak
Highland Heights Mayor Chuck Brunello, Jr.
Brooklyn Republican Club
Strongsville GOP
Sevfen Hills Mayor, Anthony D. Biasiotta

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Magistrate in the Garfield Heights Municpal Court 2022
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersMagistrate in the Garfield Heights Municpal Court 2022
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
Since 2003 when I began my own law practice, it has always been my professional mission to represent persons in need of someone to safeguard their rights. For twenty years I have represented people against government persecution and abuse. The foundation of my goal is to protect and defend the rights afforded to all citizens under the Constitution of the United States.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersSince 2003 when I began my own law practice, it has always been my professional mission to represent persons in need of someone to safeguard their rights. For twenty years I have represented people against government persecution and abuse. The foundation of my goal is to protect and defend the rights afforded to all citizens under the Constitution of the United States.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
This is a vacant seat and I will ensure that anyone who appears before me has their rights protected, that they are provided access and absolute opportunity to be heard in a court of law, and that they understand that regardless of the outcome, they have received equal justice under the law.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersThis is a vacant seat and I will ensure that anyone who appears before me has their rights protected, that they are provided access and absolute opportunity to be heard in a court of law, and that they understand that regardless of the outcome, they have received equal justice under the law.