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Ray M Tarasuck

Ray M Tarasuck

Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas General Division
Full Term Commencing Jan. 8, 2025

Candidate Details

  • Residence
  • Email
  • Social Media
  • Age
  • Occupation
  • Education

    Hiram College, BA, Political Science/Pre-law, Graduated Cum Laude, 1987

    Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Managament, MBA, 1990

    University of Akron Law School, JD, 1994 

  • Work Experience

    Solo Practitioner, Criminal Defense litigator, Civil Plaintiff litigator 1994-2007

    Assistant Mahoning County Prosecutor, Felony. Misdemeanor and Juvenile Drug Court, 2000-07

    Assistant Attonrey General for the State of Ohio, 2007-2009

    Senior Counsel, Calfee Halter & Griswold, LLP, 2009-present

  • Family
    Not married
  • Affiliations

    Appointed by Mayor to City of Cleveland Landmarks Commission 2018-present.

    Appointed to Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee, 2012-2023.

    Elected to Board of Directors for the Lawyers Guild for the Diocese of Cleveland 2016-present.

    Member of the Cleveland Playhouse Board of Directors, 2011-2013

    Past Member of Ohio State Bar Association

    Appointed to Ohio State Bar Association Workers' Compensation Specialty Board.

    Cleveland Bar Association Mock Trial Judge and 3R's Program

    Chairman of St. Michael's Church Parish Council (Chairman) 1996-2008

    Chairman of the Board of Beatitude Board of Trustees 1996-2003

    Chairman of the Board of the Ursuline Center Board of Trustees, 2003-2008

    Leadership Mahoning Valley Class of 2001

    Member of the City of Canfield Charter Review Commission, 1998

    Elected as Mahoning County Democratic Party Treasurer, 1998-2002

    Appointed Member of Mahoning County Democratic Party Executive Committee, 1998-2004

    Past Member of Mahoning County Bar Association

  • Endorsements

    Cleveland Plain Deal/


  • Bar Association Ratings

    Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Associaiton, Excellent rating

    Asian American BAr Association, Excellent rating

    Cuyahoga Cunty Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Excellent rating

    Norman S. Minor Bar Associaion, Excellent rating

    Ohio Womens' Bar Associaion, Excellent rating

Photo of Ray M Tarasuck Ray M Tarasuck

Question 1

List your judicial experience (courts and years)

I have not been a judge prior to this campaign

Question 2

What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?

As I look back over the past 28+ years of my practice I reflect upon the personal and professional successes, failures, and lessons that I have learned. I realize that over that course of time, all those personal and professional lessons have prepared me for being a judge.

I began the first 12 years of my career as a solo practitioner, learning how to practice law from other “street” lawyers in the Youngstown area. They not only taught me how to practice law, but they taught me the importance of understanding people and the importance of relationships. I took on indigent criminal defense cases, and I took in anything that came through my door just so that I could keep my office doors open. It was a struggle, but it taught me so much.

During those 12 years I also took a part time position as an Assistant County Prosecutor in charge of the Juvenile, Misdemeanor and Felony Drug Courts. Being a part of the “Drug Court Team” was undoubtably the most rewarding 6 years of my career. Knowing that we were able to assist our clients’ progress towards recovery in creative ways and provide a holistic approach to our program was professionally and personally so very fulfilling.

Subsequently I was offered a position as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Ohio, managing and responsible for a civil docket of over 100 cases across various courts of common pleas all over Northeast Ohio.

Now, for the past 15 years I have been a Senior Counsel with Calfee, Halter & Griswold, handing various civil litigation matters while also using those skills I developed as a solo practitioner criminal defense lawyer to handle various personal and sensitive matters for our clients. It has been an amazing and fulfilling 28+ years.

I summarize the path of my professional history here because it is that road which has prepared me for and led me to this endeavor to pursue the bench. I have been a solo practitioner, a government lawyer and a “big firm” lawyer. I have handled criminal matters from both the defense side and the prosecution.  I have handled civil matters from both the plaintiff side and defense. I have successfully practiced in Municipal Courts, Courts of Common Pleas, Courts of Appeals and even the Ohio Supreme Court. It has been this lifetime of personal and professional successes, failures and lessons learned that has made this next step in my career one that I am excited to embark upon. It is a way to give back to my community and to the colleagues in my profession for all of the time, sacrifice and commitment that my community and my professional

Question 3

Why are you running for this particular court seat?

As stated in the response above, all of my professional and life experiences have brought me to this place and this choice to run for judge. I began my legal career wanting to help people; I have successfully done that as an attorney for the past 28 years; now I want to take all of those experiences to the Bench to continue to be a postive force and example in my community.