Candidate Details
- Residence
Bay Village - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
40 - Occupation
Director of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force - Education
West Virginia University 2001-2005- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Degree.
University of Dayton School of Law from 2006-2009- Juris Doctor Degree.
- Work Experience
I have been with the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office since I graduated law school.
I started in Juvenile Court as an Assistant Prosecutor in January of 2010.
I moved to the General Felony Unit as an Assistant Prosecutor in January of 2012.
I was promoted to the Major Trial Unit in December of 2016.
I went back to Juvenile Court to Supervise Sex Crimes in November of 2018.
Currently, I am the Director of Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force since 2020.
- Family
Married with 1 Child - Affiliations
CMBA 2013, 2023 to Present
Sigma Kappa Alumni, Vice President of Programming, 2012 to Present
Bay Village Democratic Club, 2023 to Present
Cuyahoga Democratic Women’s Caucus, 2023 to Present
Irish American Club, 2023 to Present
Stonewall Democrats, 2023 to Present
C.A.M.E.O., 2023 to Present
- Endorsements
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union Local No. 19
Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association
Cleveland Building and Construction Trades
- Bar Association Ratings
Asian Bar Association Excellent Rating
Norman S. Minor Bar Association Excellent Rating
Cuyahoga Criminal Defense Lawyers Association Good Rating
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Good Rating
Ohio Women's Bar Association Good Rating

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
Day in and day out, I am in the courtroom and know what is working and what is not working for the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court system. I have worked in Cuyahoga County for over 14 years as a public servant engaging in more than 80 trials and more than 3,000 cases. In that time, I have held two supervisor roles while continuing to be a litigator. Further, I have committed to engaging in community outreach throughout my career.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I became a public servant because I cared about the community I lived in and wanted to help individuals that could not help themselves. I have strived to do that throughout my career by treating individuals fairly and justly. During my time as a Prosecutor, I have done more than 80 trials and over 3,000 cases. I have the experience in the court I am seeking. I have done cases from juvenile court, up to aggravated murder trials.
Currently, I am the Director of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and our focus is to protect our children from individuals harming them online. Additionally, we get to go out into the community and educate individuals on how to protect themselves while on the internet and social media. I believe this kind of outreach strengths our community.
In this career you must practice with integrity and make hard decisions, even if it’s not the popular opinion or decision. I want to continue to make a difference in the community I live in, and I can make that difference from the bench.