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Donna C Freeman

Donna C Freeman

Lorain County Court of Common Pleas General Division
Full Term Commencing Jan. 2, 2025

Candidate Details

  • Residence
  • Email
  • Social Media
  • Age
  • Occupation
    Full time magistrate for the Lorain County Family Court
  • Education

    Bachelors degree in Psychology from Bowling Green State University

    Juris Doctor from Akron University of Law

  • Work Experience

    I have been a full time magistrate for the Honorable Judge Frank Janik for five years.  I handle the juvenile delinquency docket, juvenile traffic docket, private  custody cases and domestic violence protection orders. 

    I worked as an assistant prosecutor in the Lorain County Prosecutor's Office for approximately thirteen years. I worked as an APA in the adult felony criminal division for approximately eight years. I prosecuted murders, sex crimes, drug trafficking crimes, as well as a number of other violent and non-violent felonies.


    I worked as an APA representing Lorain County Children Services for five years.


    I worked at the Ashland County Prosecutor's Office for over a year. I was an APA for the Civil Division and represented Children Services. 

    I worked as a mediator/facilitator for a number of years in the Lorain County Family Court Services Division where I mediated custody and visitation disputes between divorcing/separating parents. I also presented a monthly parenting seminar. 


  • Family
    Single mom of a twelve year old boy.
  • Affiliations

    I was a member of the Lorain County Ethics Board during the year 2023.

  • Endorsements

    I have been endorsed by the Lorain Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #3.

  • Bar Association Ratings

    I was not rated along with the majority of other candidates. 

Photo of Donna C Freeman Donna C Freeman

Question 1

List your judicial experience (courts and years)

I have been a full time magistrate for the Lorain County Family Court for five years. I handle the juvenile delinquency docket, juvenile traffic cases, private custody cases and domestic violence protection orders. 

Question 2

What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?

I have worked for the court system in some capacity for nearly thirty years. I have spent my entire professional  career working for the court system. I have worked in a number of areas and with a diverse number of entities within the court system to include Children Services, Family Court Services, juvenile probation, adult parole and probation, judges, magistrates, prosecutor's office, police departments, and defense attorneys. I value the integrity of the court system. 

Question 3

Why are you running for this particular court seat?

When I decided to run for Judge, there were two democrats running for the other seat and an unopposed republican representing that she was running for this seat.