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Joan  Synenberg

Joan Synenberg

Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas General Division
Full Term Commencing Jan. 11, 2025

Candidate Details

  • Residence
  • Email
  • Social Media
  • Age
  • Occupation
  • Education

    Cleveland-Marshal College of Law, Cleveland State University, J.D. 1988.

    Cleveland State University, B.A., 1983.

    Mayfield High School, 1975.

  • Work Experience

    I interrupted my college education for a year to tour internationally with Up With People. I was a social worker in the County Jail for three years before and during law school. After graduating from law school I opened my own law office and represented individuals criminally and civilly for sixteen years before assuming the bench.

  • Family
  • Affiliations

    Professional Involvement:

    ·       ADAMHS Board, Mental Health Response Advisory Executive Committee, 2015-2020;

    ·       American Inns of Court Board of Trustees, Elected Sixth Circuit Trustee, 2012-2016;

    ·       Cleveland Marshall College of Law Alumni Association, Board of Trustees, 2010-Present;

    ·       Cleveland Marshall College of Law Visiting Committee, Former Member;

    ·       Cleveland Marshall College of Law, Guest Lecturer;

    ·       Case Western Reserve School of Law School, Guest Lecturer;

    ·       Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, Board of Trustees, 2012-2015; 2021- present.

    ·       Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, Board of Trustees Nominating Committee, Chair; 2016.

    ·       Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation Fellow, 2011-Present;

    ·       Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, Probation Committee, 2010-Present;

    ·       Eighth District of Ohio Judicial Conference, Executive Committee, 2009, 2010;

    ·       Expungement Education Forums, Community Forums, Instructed Expungement CLEs, 2005-Present;

    ·       FBI Citizens Academy, Life Member;

    ·       Fugitive Safe Surrender, Steering Committee, Social Services Subcommittee Chair, 2010;

    ·       Judge Nancy R. McDonnel Community Based Correctional Facility, Judicial Advisory Board, 2011-Present;

    ·       Juvenile Fugitive Safe Surrender, Steering Committee, 2014;

    ·       Ohio State Bar Association, Judicial Advisory Council, 2010-2013;

    ·       Pro Bono initiatives (partners: CMBA, Legal Aid);

    ·       Supreme Court of Ohio, Commission on Continuing Legal Education, 2012-present;

    ·       U.S. Attorney's Opiate/Heroin Task Force, 2014-Present;

    ·       William K. Thomas Inn of Court, Member, 2009-Present, President, 2011-2012;

    Civic Involvement:

    ·       AIDS Task Force of Greater Cleveland, Board Member (2005-2012);

    ·       Cleveland Peacemakers Alliance, Board Member, 2015-2020;

    ·       Collaborative for a Safe, Just and Fair Cleveland;

    ·       Community Re-Entry, Volunteer;

    ·       Hosted numerous interns, externs, law students, mock trials, shadow students, senior project students, high school classes throughout Cuyahoga County and Ohio Supreme Court mentees;

    ·       Leadership Cleveland, Class of 2007;

    ·       Listening Tour Facilitator, 2017 – 2020;

    ·       Northeast Ohio Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Board Member, 2005-present:

    ·       Ohio Supreme Court Mentoring Program, 2014, 2016;

    ·       Transitional Housing, Volunteer;

    ·       Teamsters Annual Conference, Speaker;

    ·       U.S. Attorney's Project Safe Neighborhood/S.T.A.N.C.E, Member; Subcommittee on Gun Violence;

    ·       Violence Against Women Coalition;

    ·       Women's Pre-Release Center, Volunteer;

    ·       Women's Re-Entry Resource Network, Volunteer;

  • Endorsements

    Cleveland Plain Dealer

    Cleveland Building & Trade Construction Trades Council

    Cleveland Port Council, AFL-CIO

    Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association

    Building Laborers’ Union, Local 310

    Pipefitters Local 120

    Plumbers UA Local 55

    Teamsters Local 407

    Teamsters Local 416

    Ironworker’s Local 17

    International Longshoremen’s Association

  • Bar Association Ratings

    Between 2005 to 2022, I ran for office six times and was evaluated 22 times by the associations affiliated with the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association's I was rated "EXCELLENT" 22 times without receiving any lower rankings. 

    2024 judge4yourself ratings:

    • Asian American Bar Association of Ohio – “EXCELLENT”
    • Cuyahoga Criminal Defense Lawyer's Association – “EXCELLENT”
    • Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association – “EXCELLENT”
    • Norman S. Minor Bar Association – “EXCELLENT”
    • Ohio Women’s Bar Association – “EXCELLENT”
Photo of Joan  Synenberg Joan Synenberg

Question 1

List your judicial experience (courts and years)

·       Judge, Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, January 2007- January 2013, February 2013-Present;

·       Judge, Cleveland Municipal Court Judge January 2005-December 2006;

.       Presiding Judge, Human Trafficking Revovery Court, Court of Common Pleas, August 2023 - present  (Specialized Docket);

·       Presiding Judge, Recovery Court, Court of Common Pleas, January 2015-2023 (Specialized Docket);

·       Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Docket, Court of Common Pleas, 2009-2014 (Specialized Docket).

Abbreviated Candidate Answers

·       Judge, Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, January 2007- January 2013, February 2013-Present;

·       Judge, Cleveland Municipal Court Judge January 2005-December 2006;

.       Presiding Judge, Human Trafficking Revovery Court, Court of Common Pleas, August 2023 - present  (Specialized Docket);

·       Presiding Judge, Recovery Court, Court of Common Pleas, January 2015-2023 (Specialized Docket);

·       Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Docket, Court of Common Pleas, 2009-2014 (Specialized Docket).

Question 2

What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?

I was a practicing attorney for 16 years before I became a judge.  My practice consisted of civil and criminal litigation.

Abbreviated Candidate Answers

I was a practicing attorney for 16 years before I became a judge.  My practice consisted of civil and criminal litigation.

Question 3

Why are you running for this particular court seat?

I have been privileged to be a judge for 20 years and would like to continue with my service to the community.

Abbreviated Candidate Answers

I have been privileged to be a judge for almost 20 years and would like to continue with my service to the community.