Candidate Details
- Residence
Vincent - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
46 - Occupation
Assistant Marietta City Law Director - Education
1995 Warren High School
1999 Ohio Northern University (Bachelor of Acrts - Criminal Justice and Sociology)
2002 University of Akron School of Law
- Work Experience
20 years of Legal Experience
17 years as an Assistant Prosecutor/Assistant Law Director
9 years of Civil Litigation- evictions, domestic relations, probate, work with Southeastern Ohio Legal Services for 1 year under a Domestic Violence Grant
3 years of Criminal Defense Work
I have managed a private practice law firm.
As an Assistant Law Director for Marietta Municipal Court I assisted with the drafting of the handbook for the Marietta Municipal Court Mental Health Docket and I am a member of the treatment team. I am also currently involved with the development of the Pretrial Services Program at Marietta Municipal Court. I also assisted with the Conversion of the Marietta City Law Director's Office to a paperless system.
- Family
I've been married for 17 years and have two children, 16 year old son and 24 year old stepdaughter - Affiliations
Immediate Past President and current member of the Marietta Kiwanis Club
Past Secretary and current member of the Scenic Hills Lion's Club
Vice President of the Marietta Band Boosters

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
None - I have been in either private practice or public service for 20 years.
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I have managed a private practice law firm, which will be beneficial in running the day to day functions of the court, regarding handling personnel issues, budgets, scheduling, and working with other agencies.
As an Assistant Law Director for Marietta Municipal Court I assisted with the drafting of the handbook for the Marietta Municipal Court Mental Health Docket and I am a member of the treatment team. I am also currently involved with the development of the Pretrial Services Program at Marietta Municipal Court.
I also assisted with the Conversion of the Marietta City Law Director's Office to a paperless system.
Being an Assistant Marietta City Law Director, I work in the Municipal Court daily, which provides first hand knowledge of how the Court operates and what areas need to be changed or improved and what aspects are working well. My day to day knowledge with the Court makes me the best candidate if elected to hit the ground running without having to learn the system or operations.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersI have 20 years of legal experience.
I have managed a private practice law firm, which will be beneficial in running the day to day functions of the court, regarding handling personnel issues, budgets, scheduling, and working with other agencies.
As an Assistant Law Director for Marietta Municipal Court I assisted with the drafting of the handbook for the Marietta Municipal Court Mental Health Docket and I am a member of the treatment team. I am also currently involved with the development of the Pretrial Services Program at Marietta Municipal Court.
I also assisted with the Conversion of the Marietta City Law Director's Office to a paperless system.
Being an Assistant Marietta City Law Director, I work in the Municipal Court daily, which provides first hand knowledge of how the Court operates and what areas need to be changed or improved and what aspects are working well. My day to day knowledge with the Court makes me the best candidate if elected to hit the ground running without having to learn the system or operations.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
As a life-long resident of Washington County, I am running for Municipal Court Judge because I believe that I can do a lot for my County as a Municipal Court Judge. I have the willingness to put in the time and effort that is needed to be Municipal Court Judge. This Court is not an 8-5 Monday thru Friday, the Municipal Court Judge has to be available to review search warrants at all times. Also, the Judge has to devote time to review bonds, and probable cause for warrants as needed.
I want to continue and expand the Marietta Municipal Court Mental Heatlh Docket. I want to continue the development of the Pretrial Services Program. If elected Judge I want to establish a specialized docket for Domestic Violence and update the Court Computer System. I have experience in writing and maintaining a grant for my current position, which I will use to seek additional grants to fund a Domestic Violence Docket.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersAs a life-long resident of Washington County, I am running for Municipal Court Judge because I believe that I can do a lot for my County as a Municipal Court Judge. I have the willingness to put in the time and effort that is needed to be Municipal Court Judge. This Court is not an 8-5 Monday thru Friday, the Municipal Court Judge has to be available to review search warrants at all times. Also, the Judge has to devote time to review bonds, and probable cause for warrants as needed.
I want to continue and expand the Marietta Municipal Court Mental Heatlh Docket. I want to continue the development of the Pretrial Services Program. If elected Judge I want to establish a specialized docket for Domestic Violence and update the Court Computer System. I have experience in writing and maintaining a grant for my current position, which I will use to seek additional grants to fund a Domestic Violence Docket.