Candidate Details
- Residence
Wadsworth - Email - Website - Social Media
- Age
50 - Occupation
Law Director - Education
Wadsworth High School- 1991
The Ohio State Univesity - B.A. Economics - 1995
University of Akron - J.D. - 1998
- Work Experience
Palecek, McIlvaine, Hoffmann, and Morse - 1998-2014 - Partner
City of Wadsworth - Assistant Law Director / Prosecutor for Wadsworth Muncipal Court - 2014-2020
City of Wadsworth - Law Director - 2020-Present
- Family
Married with 3 children - Affiliations
Blue Tip Festival - Treasurer / Parade Chair
Wadsworth Lions Club
Marian's Closet - President Board of Directors
Medina County Bar - Past President
- Endorsements
Mayor of Wadsworth - Robin Laubaugh
President of City Council - Bob Thurber
- Bar Association Ratings

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Acting Judge Wadsworth Muncipal Court - 2002-2014
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I have practiced in the Wadsworth Muncipal Court my entire legal carreer including as a private counsel in civil, criminal, and traffic cases and as the sole prosecutor representing the State of Ohio and City of Wadsworth. Noone has more trial expirence in that Court over the past 25 years than I have. In addition, as the law director for the City I have been instrumental in working with the Court on budgetary issues, review of contractual services, and Court security.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I am running to be Judge of the Wadsworth Municipal Court because I believe I have the expirence and competence to do a superior job. As a trial attorney my entire carreer, I can bring that expirence to the bench in order to help keep my community safe and make sure that justice always is done.