Candidate Details
- Residence
Strongsville - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
35 - Occupation
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney - Criminal Division - Education
Strongsville High School 2006
University of Dayton-Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science 2010
Capital University-Juris Doctor 2014
- Work Experience
Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office - 8 years
- Family
Married with 3 children - Affiliations
Strongsville Rotary Club
Strongsville Kiwanis
- Endorsements
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party
Mayor of Strongsville Thomas P. Perciak
Mayor of Berea Cyril Kleem
Mayor of Middleburg Heights Matthew J. Castelli
Mayor of Olmsted Falls James Patrick Graven
Olmsted Township Trustee Riley Alton
Cleveland Building & Construction Trades Council
Teamsters Local Union No 507
City of Strongsville Ward 2 Councilwoman Ann Roff
City of Strongsville Councilwoman-At-Large Kelly Kosek
Ohio State Representative Bride Rose Sweeney

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersN/A
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I’ve spent most of my career as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney at the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office. During that time, I have resolved close to 2,000 felony level cases, ranging from Aggravated Murder to Theft. The ability to resolve many cases requires the ability to work effectively with many different people from many different backgrounds. I’ve proven my ability to work with people over the course of my career.
Each day I speak with victims and witnesses from all walks of life. Rich, poor, black, white, educated, uneducated, etc. I explain the criminal justice system to them and their role in it. I explain the strengths and weaknesses of the respective case. And I explain cost/benefits of trying to resolve a case before trial. I also interact with several judges, bailiffs, police officers, sheriffs, and defense attorneys on a day-to-day basis.
I have been able to effectively navigate through the criminal justice system by gaining trust and confidence in people. I have developed a reputation as an honorable prosecutor who tells the truth, has a good demeanor, and tries to seek justice regardless of outcome.
I will take these qualities to the bench. I will be fair. I will be professional and respectful to court staff and litigants. I will not waste unnecessary time. As Judge, you must be able to talk and work with people in an effective manner. I have done it as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney. I will do it as the next Berea Court Judge.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
The jurisdiction of the court includes Berea, Brook Park, Middleburg Heights, Olmsted Falls, Olmsted Township, Strongsville, the MetroParks and the Ohio State Highway Patrol. My wife and I were born and raised in Strongsville and we are now raising our three children here.
My goal as a Judge is to be a positive force in the communities it serves. I have met with leaders in the communities that fall under the jurisdiction of the court. These communities have bright futures and big plans built on economic development and safe neighborhoods. These communities cannot thrive without a court that does its part to protect the public from future crime.
I will be fair and impartial to both sides. I will be open and honest with all parties who come in front of the court. I will treat everyone who comes into the courtroom with respect and dignity. I will give individualized attention to each case. Lastly, I will run the court efficiently to protect taxpayer dollars.