Candidate Details
- Residence
Fleming - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
47 - Occupation
Magistrate, Washington County Common Pleas Court - Education
Graduate of Warren High School
2020 Distinguished Alumna, Washington State Community College, Associate of Arts
Bachelor of Science, Organizational Communication, Ohio Universitey
Minor, Business Administration & Human Resource Management
Juris Doctor, Capital University Law School
Specialized Docket Training
- Work Experience
Practicing law for over 20 years.
11 years as Common Pleas Court Magistrate, NEVER overturned on appeal.
4th year as part-time Acting Judge for Marietta Municipal Court.
The Judge of the Marietta Municipal Court is responsible for a budget of approximately $1M, 21 employees, and the management and maintenance of the courthouse facilities. Being a small business owner for 23 years I developed and managed a $1M annual budget. I employed 40-50 individuals annually and was responsible for all human resource functions as is the responsibility of the Municipal Court Judge. My business had over 20K square feet of facilities and 64 acres of land. I was responsible the management, maintenance, and upkeep of those facilities. The Court has significantly less square footage and acreage. I sold my last business in January of 2022 giving me the time to turn my efforts to the position of Marietta Municipal Court Judge.
- Family
Married 19 years to Jeff, a teacher at Waterford HS and daughter to Lakyn a Sr. at Waterford and full time student at Marietta College - Affiliations
Member, Washington County Community Corrections Board
Past Board Member of Washington State Community College
Past Board of Directors of WASCO, Inc. (Local Sheltered Workshop)
Past Board Member Ohio State Legal Services Assoc.
Past Board Member of Rural Action
Board Member, Kiwanis Club of Marietta
Member of the Ohio & Washington Co. Bar Associations
Volunteer Judge & Past Coach for High School Mock Trial
Volunteer for Indigent Legal Clinic & Driver's License Restoration Clinic
Member, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
This is my 4th year as Acting Judge of Marietta Municipal Court and 11th year as Magistrate for the Washington County Common Pleas Court
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I managed my own law firm for 10 years and in that capacity I had a contract with the State of Ohio to provide work as a Court appointed criminal defense attorney. I tried cases in Court. I was responsible for extensive legal research, drafting of various legal documents, and negotiations of settlements where appropriate. In the capacity as court appointed counsel I represented individuals on criminal matters in thousands of cases. I represented hundreds more individuals as hired private counsel.
In private practice I was responsible for facilities management of the offices, employees, all technologies used in the office, policies & procedures, all financials, etc. These are all the responsiblity of the Judge for the Marietta Municipal Court.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I went to law school with the express intent of being able to comeback to my hometown and serve my community, which I have done for the last 20 years. Most of us want to grow and face new challenges with each passing year of our careers. Being the Marietta Municipal Court Judge will give me the opportunity to do that and to serve my community in a new and exciting capacity.
Further, I am running as an Indepedent because I do not believe politics has any place in the courtroom. You need to feel secure that you will be treated fairly when in Court. You need to know that your case will be determined on the merits and a correct interpretation of the law.
Last, I am the most qualified and prepared of the candidate to take on this role in the Court. I've seen what happens when we put people who are not ready to take on responsiblities into government roles. It hurts our community not just now but has lasting affects into the future. I want the best for our community and at this time and for this job that is me.