Candidate Details
- Residence
New Franklin - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
59 - Occupation
Barberton Municipal Court Judge - Education
The Ohio State University College of Law, JD 1989. Received Dean's Special Award for Service to the College of Law as Honor Council Chief Justice
Hiram College BA, Magna Cum Laude, 1986. Named Outstanding Hiram Man (1985)
Manchester High School, 1982. Received Outstanding Alumni Award (2014) and inducted into the Swede Olson-James France Athletic Hall of Fame.
- Work Experience
Presiding and Administrative Judge of the Barberton Municipal Court (2017-current)
Summit County Court of Common Pleas Judge (2014-2016)
Leiby, Hanna Rasnick Attorneys at Law, Member (2013-2014)
Summit County Probate Judge (2011-2012)
Ohio House of Representatives, 43rd District (2011)
New Franklin City Council (2010)
McKenney & Gingrich, Attorneys at Law (2008-2011)
Mercy and Justice Pastor, The Chapel in Akron and Green (1994-2007)
Black, McCuskey Law Firm, Attorney (1991-1995)
Judicial Law Clerk to the Honorable David D. Dowd, Jr. (1989-1991) and (2005-2007)
- Family
Married 26 yrs to Bethany McKenney, Summit County Councilwoman. We have with two children. - Affiliations
Faithful Servants Free Medical Clinic Board Member
Pastor, Akron Chinese Christian Church
Former Mercy & Justice Pastor, The Chapel in Akron and Green
Magic City Kiwanis, Member and Past President. Received the Ohio Kiwanis Humanitarian of the Year Award in 2021 along with my wife Summit County Councilwoman Bethany McKenney
Barberton Rotary Club Member
Norton Historical Society Member
Clinton Historical Society Member
Youth Excellence Performing Arts Workshop Board Member
Akron Bar Association, Member, Co-Chair of the Access to Justice Committee; Former Trustee and received the 2013 Liberty Bell Award for promoting a better understanding of the rule of law, encouraging a greater respect for the law and courts and contributing to good government in the community for a program that helps people update real estate deeds to avoid probate.
Love Akron, Member, and received the 2023 Judge Brenda Burnham Unruh Servant Leader Award and the 2013 Pastor Ronald Fowler and Pastor Knute Larson Allies Award along with Pastor Charles Myricks for racial reconciliation efforts.
- Endorsements
Police endorsed by Barberton FOP Lodge 13
Police endorsed by Norton FOP Lodge 119
Police endorsed by retired Summit County Sheriff Drew Alexander
And a growing list of public officials including:
Senator Kristina Roegner, Ohio Senate; Representative Bill Roemer, Ohio House of Representatives; Summit County Councilmembers Gloria Rodgers, Anthony DeVitis and Bethany McKenney; City of Green: Mayor Gerard Neugebauer, City Council President Clark DeVitis, Council Members Barb Babbitt, C.J. Meager, Rocco Yeargin and Jeff Noble. All three Copley Township Trustees: Scott Dressler, Bruce Koellner and Jim Schulte; City of Norton Mayor Mike Zita, Norton Council Members Doug DeHarpart and Paul Tousley; City of New Franklin Council Members Judy Jones, Jim Cotts, Jack Daniels, Kevin Powell; City of Barberton Council President Justin Greer and Barberton Council Members Thomas 'Bebe' Heitic, Tayler Marie Thompson; Coventry Township Trustees: Jeff Houck, George Beckham; Village of Clinton Mayor Bud McDaniel and Village Councilmembers Marissa Gensimore, Janice Godwin and Matt Steiner; Summit County ESC Member Josie Roemer. See for a current list of endorsements
- Bar Association Ratings
Rated Excellent by the Akron Bar Association for this 2023 race, their highest rating, and the only
candidate in this race to receive the highest rating.

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
I have approximately 10 years of judicial experience
I currently serve as the Presiding and Administrative Judge of the Barberton Municipal Court (2020 to present)
In 2017, I was appointed and then elected as a Judge of the Barberton Municipal Court (2017 to present)
In addition to my regular docket, I also serve as the Drug Court Judge of the Barberton Municipal Court (2017 to present), a certified specialty court. This specialty court was re-certified by the Ohio Supreme Court in 2023 for another 3 year term.
In 2014, I was elected and served as a Summit County Court of Common Pleas Judge (2014-2016)
In 2014, I was appointed as a Judge of the Barberton Municipal Court
In 2011, I was appointed and served as a Summit County Probate Judge (2011-2012)
Finally, in terms of court experience, from 1989 to 1991 and again from 2005 to 2007, I served as a Judicial Law Clerk to the Honorable David D. Dowd, Jr., U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Ohio.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersI have approximately 10 years of judicial experience
I currently serve as the Presiding and Administrative Judge of the Barberton Municipal Court (2020 to present)
In 2017, I was appointed and then elected as a Judge of the Barberton Municipal Court (2017 to present)
In addition to my regular docket, I also serve as the Drug Court Judge of the Barberton Municipal Court (2017 to present), a certified specialty court. This specialty court was re-certified by the Ohio Supreme Court in 2023 for another 3 year term.
In 2014, I was elected and served as a Summit County Court of Common Pleas Judge (2014-2016)
In 2014, I was appointed as a Judge of the Barberton Municipal Court
In 2011, I was appointed and served as a Summit County Probate Judge (2011-2012)
Finally, in terms of court experience, from 1989 to 1991 and again from 2005 to 2007, I served as a Judicial Law Clerk to the Honorable David D. Dowd, Jr., U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Ohio.
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
From 1994 to 2007, I served as the Mercy and Justice Pastor at The Chapel in Akron and Green where I used my legal and pastoral skills to hold people accountable and solve problems. These skills are so valuable in the Municipal Court.
And in my pastoral work and volunteer experience, I have focused on several diversity and equity issues. For the last five years, I served as lead pastor of the Akron Chinese Christian Church so that we could maintain the church and install a new Chinese Pastor this fall to lead the church.
For more than 20 years, I served on the Youth Excellence Performing Arts Workshop ("YEPAW") Board, a group that encourages excellence among Black youth through mentoring, tutoring and an intensive summer camp experience.
For almost 10 years, I helped found and serve as a volunteer at our VALID clinics, which addresses the problem of unlicensed drivers on the road and provides a path of accountability and helps to legally obtain a driver's license with insurance.
My work as a Board Member of the Faithful Servants Free Medical Clinic helps me to address the problem of uninsured and underinsured people who need medical services from medical volunteers like doctors and nurses who are ready and willing to help them.
Right now, we are working on a partnership with the Summit County Humane Society to address dog issues in our courts to help people become more responsible pet owners.
In other words, I want to keep going.
Abbreviated Candidate Answers
From 1994 to 2007, I served as the Mercy and Justice Pastor at The Chapel in Akron and Green where I used my legal and pastoral skills to hold people accountable and solve problems. These skills are so valuable in the Municipal Court.
And in my pastoral work and volunteer experience, I have focused on several diversity and equity issues. For the last five years, I served as lead pastor of the Akron Chinese Christian Church so that we could maintain the church and install a new Chinese Pastor this fall to lead the church.
For more than 20 years, I served on the Youth Excellence Performing Arts Workshop ("YEPAW") Board, a group that encourages excellence among Black youth through mentoring, tutoring and an intensive summer camp experience.
For almost 10 years, I helped found and serve as a volunteer at our VALID clinics, which addresses the problem of unlicensed drivers on the road and provides a path of accountability and helps to legally obtain a driver's license with insurance.
My work as a Board Member of the Faithful Servants Free Medical Clinic helps me to address the problem of uninsured and underinsured people who need medical services from medical volunteers like doctors and nurses who are ready and willing to help them.
Right now, we are working on a partnership with the Summit County Humane Society to address dog issues in our courts to help people become more responsible pet owners.
In other words, I want to keep going.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
There are a lot of reasons to run for judge, but for me, being Barberton Municipal Court Judge is my life's work.
I think everyone who works closely with me sees it-- from the police groups that endorse me to the bi-partisan panel of our local Bar Association that rates me "Excellent" for this position.
Our court sees a high volume of people but we really try to "see" people--to slow down enough to address their charges, to provide fair procedures and if someone pleads or is found guilty, to work hard to make sure it does not happen again. As an award winning judge in this court it is my great privilege to serve.
Our Drug Court is saving lives as it combats a drug crisis. Seeing changed lives and hearing people say "you saved my life" is the greatest reward we can receive.
I love our communities in Barberton, Copley, Green, Norton, New Franklin, Coventry and Clinton. I stay active and accessible and serve in leadership in our area in order to make a difference.
As a lifetime area resident, I have always served our community. I think my work as our local judge is the best way I can serve and I hope to continue by running for re-election. Thank you for considering all this and if you have any questions, please contact us.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersThere are a lot of reasons to run for judge, but for me, being Barberton Municipal Court Judge is my life's work.
I think everyone who works closely with me sees it-- from the police groups that endorse me to the bi-partisan panel of our local Bar Association that rates me "Excellent" for this position.
Our court sees a high volume of people but we really try to "see" people--to slow down enough to address their charges, to provide fair procedures and if someone pleads or is found guilty, to work hard to make sure it does not happen again. As an award winning judge in this court it is my great privilege to serve.
Our Drug Court is saving lives as it combats a drug crisis. Seeing changed lives and hearing people say "you saved my life" is the greatest reward we can receive.
I love our communities in Barberton, Copley, Green, Norton, New Franklin, Coventry and Clinton. I stay active and accessible and serve in leadership in our area in order to make a difference.
As a lifetime area resident, I have always served our community. I think my work as our local judge is the best way I can serve and I hope to continue by running for re-election. Thank you for considering all this and if you have any questions, please contact us.