Candidate Details
- Residence
North Canton - Email - Website - Social Media
- Age
63 - Occupation
Attorney, Chief Counsel the City of Massillon Law Department - Education
The University of Akron School of Law
The College of Wooster
Marlington High School
- Work Experience
Former Judge of the Ohio Court of Appeals, Fifth Appellate District:
Researched and decided complex legal issues on appeals from fifteen Ohio counties.
Chief Counsel of the City of Massillon Law Department:
Advise City personnel on all civil matters, review contracts, civil litigation, write and interpret legislation.
Assistant Stark County Prosecutor:
Felony criminal trial attorney prosecuted serious felony criminal cases, presented cases to the grand jury, secured felony convictions through guilty pleas and jury trials.
Assistant Carroll County Public Defender:
Represented indigent defendants in municipal and common pleas court.
North Canton City Administrator:
Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the City’s Safety and Service Departments. Supervised over 100 full-time employees and worked closely with the City’s Law Director. Represented the City in mediations, labor negotiations, and state agency hearings.
Deputy Director of the Stark County Board of Elections:
Responsible for fair and efficient local and county-wide elections throughout Stark County.Worked full-time at the Board of Elections while attending law school at night.
Bailiff, Stark County Common Pleas Court:
Served Judge James Gwin; responsible for scheduling and preparation of case files. Supervised jurors during trials and oversaw the orderly functioning and security of the court room.
Ohio Army National Guard:
4th of the 107th Cavalry Regiment
Helicopter flight crew member / Helicopter Mechanic / Aerial Observer
- Family
Married to Maria for 27 years with daughters: Libby (25) and Catherine (24) - Affiliations
Stark Bar Association
Ohio State Bar Association
North Canton Playhouse
North Canton Middle and High School Assistant Girls Lacrosse Coach
School Band, Choir and Cheerleading Parent Organizations
- Endorsements
Hall of Fame Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Canton Professional Firefighters Association Local 249
- Bar Association Ratings
Recommended – Stark County Bar Association - 2023

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Former Judge of the Ohio Court of Appeals, Fifth Appellate District – encompassing 15 Ohio Counties
Stark, Ashland, Coshocton, Delaware, Fairfield, Guernsey, Holmes, Knox, Licking, Morgan, Morrow, Muskingum, Perry, Richland, Tuscarawas
Served from February 2017 to February 2023; one of only 69 appellate court judges in the entire State of Ohio. Reviewed the decisions of the trial court judges in the fifteen-county district, covering extensive legal issues from the municipal, common pleas, family, divorce, juvenile, and probate courts including both criminal and civil cases.
Assigned by the Ohio Chief Justice to sit on the Supreme Court of Ohio, and hear cases in some of the other 11 appellate court districts in the State of Ohio, and serve on The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Court Security. Served as both the Presiding Judge and the Administrative Judge
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersFormer Judge of the Ohio Court of Appeals, Fifth Appellate District – encompassing 15 Ohio Counties
Stark, Ashland, Coshocton, Delaware, Fairfield, Guernsey, Holmes, Knox, Licking, Morgan, Morrow, Muskingum, Perry, Richland, Tuscarawas
Served from February 2017 to February 2023; one of only 69 appellate court judges in the entire State of Ohio. Reviewed the decisions of the trial court judges in the fifteen-county district, covering extensive legal issues from the municipal, common pleas, family, divorce, juvenile, and probate courts including both criminal and civil cases.
Assigned by the Ohio Chief Justice to sit on the Supreme Court of Ohio, and hear cases in some of the other 11 appellate court districts in the State of Ohio, and serve on The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Court Security. Served as both the Presiding Judge and the Administrative Judge
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I have been an Attorney for over 25 years with extensive and varied experience in the private and public sectors involving both criminal and civil legal matters.
I am currently the Chief Counsel to the Massillon City Law Director. The duties include providing advice to City officials and personnel on all civil matters, review and creation of contracts and public bid documents, the initiation and defense of civil litigation involving the City.
I have additional experience as the Administrator of the City of North Canton. I represented the City in labor negotiations, mediations, and hearings in front of State agencies. My duties included ensuring compliance with employment and human resources requirements and the Ohio Worker’s Compensation System.
As an attorney in private practice and as an assistant public defender I represented indigent defendants in both municipal and common pleas courts. While in the Stark County Prosecutor’s Office I worked in the Juvenile, Civil, and Criminal Divisions. I screened cases in municipal court and decided which felony case went directly to the Stark County Grand Jury when the Prosecutor operated the Direct Indictment Program. I prosecuted hundreds of misdemeanor and felony criminal cases as a senior trial attorney.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersI have been an Attorney for over 25 years with extensive and varied experience in the private and public sectors involving both criminal and civil legal matters.
I am currently the Chief Counsel to the Massillon City Law Director. The duties include providing advice to City officials and personnel on all civil matters, review and creation of contracts and public bid documents, the initiation and defense of civil litigation involving the City.
I have additional experience as the Administrator of the City of North Canton. I represented the City in labor negotiations, mediations, and hearings in front of State agencies. My duties included ensuring compliance with employment and human resources requirements and the Ohio Worker’s Compensation System.
As an attorney in private practice and as an assistant public defender I represented indigent defendants in both municipal and common pleas courts. While in the Stark County Prosecutor’s Office I worked in the Juvenile, Civil, and Criminal Divisions. I screened cases in municipal court and decided which felony case went directly to the Stark County Grand Jury when the Prosecutor operated the Direct Indictment Program. I prosecuted hundreds of misdemeanor and felony criminal cases as a senior trial attorney.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
For over 25 years I have practiced law in Stark County resulting in an extensive and varied legal background. As a former judge on the Ohio Court of Appeals, I have a great deal of high-level judicial experience.
My experience includes working as an attorney in the municipal and common pleas courtrooms of Stark and surrounding counties. Additionally, I argued cases in the court of appeals. I represented private clients and was appointed by multiple judges to represent indigent defendants. I represented the State of Ohio as an assistant prosecutor for Stark County securing hundreds of convictions in serious felony cases. I have extensive jury trial experience presenting case to juries in municipal and common pleas courts.
As a former judge serving a full six-year term on the Fifth District Court of Appeals, I heard and decided complicated legal issues on a vast array of topics. These issues came from cases tried in the courtrooms of the fifteen counties which make up Ohio’s Fifth Appellate District. In that district there are well over 125 trial court judges and magistrates who make decisions in thousands of hearings and trials each year. When those decisions were appealed my job was to review those decisions and write opinions correcting errors when necessary. Those opinions set legal precedents on important legal issues throughout the appellate district. The trial court judges and magistrates then use those appellate court decisions as guidance in properly applying the law to ensure justice in an efficient, fair, and consistent basis throughout the entire district.
I have unique and invaluable experience which can directly benefit the Citizens of the Canton Municipal Court District. I provided dedicated service to my clients as a private attorney and the people of Stark County as an assistant prosecutor. I worked hard to serve the residents of fifteen counties as a former Ohio Court of Appeals Judge making tough decisions on complex legal issues. I will be a clear-eyed, independent, firm and fair, experienced jurist who can improve the trial court bench.
I humbly ask for your consideration and vote.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersFor over 25 years I have practiced law in Stark County resulting in an extensive and varied legal background. As a former judge on the Ohio Court of Appeals, I have a great deal of high-level judicial experience.
My experience includes working as an attorney in the municipal and common pleas courtrooms of Stark and surrounding counties. I represented private clients and was appointed by multiple judges to represent indigent defendants. I represented the State of Ohio as an assistant prosecutor securing hundreds of convictions in serious felony cases.
As a former judge on the Court of Appeals, I decided complicated legal issues on a vast array of topics. These issues came from the courtrooms of Ohio’s Fifth Appellate District. The district has over 125 trial court judges and magistrates making decisions. When those decisions were appealed my job was to review those decisions and write opinions correcting errors when necessary. Those opinions set legal precedents throughout the appellate district. The judges and magistrates then use those appellate court decisions as guidance to properly apply the law.
I have unique and invaluable experience which can directly benefit the Canton Municipal Court. I provided dedicated service to the people of Stark County as an assistant prosecutor. I worked hard for the residents of the fifteen-county appeals court making tough decisions on complex legal issues. I will be a clear-eyed, independent, firm and fair, experienced jurist who can improve the trial court bench.
I humbly ask for your consideration and vote.