Candidate Details
- Residence
North Canton - Email - Website - Social Media
- Age
55 - Occupation
Judge, Canton Municipal Court - Education
Canton Mckinley High School
Grove City College
The Ohio State University, College of Law
- Work Experience
Canton Municipal Court Judge
Former Judge Stark County Court of Common Pleas
Stark County Red Cross, former Executive Director/CEO
Day Ketterer, Ltd. Law Firm 20 years private practice
- Family
Married to Stephanie Snow Werren. Triplet Children: Jack, Hannah, Grace 1st Lt USMC - Affiliations
Ohio Judicial College, Criminal Law and Procedure, Traffic Law and Procedure Committees
Association of Municipal/County Court Judges of Ohio
SAM Center, Service to Area Military, Board Member
William McKinley Presidential Library and Museum, Board Member
The Rotary Club of Canton, President, 2012-2013
Christ Presbyterian Church
The Supreme Court of Ohio Advisory Committee on Case Management
Ohio Common Pleas Judges Association
American Red Cross; Regional CEO and Executive Director
Stark County Safety Council Steering Committee
Stark County Mental Health and Recovery Service Board
Leadership Stark County
- Endorsements
Fraternal Order of Police; McKinley Lodge #2
Canton Police Patrolmen's Association
Votes For Women
- Bar Association Ratings
Reccomended, Stark County Bar Association

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Over a Decade of Judicial Experience
Stark County Court of Common Pleas Judge, General Division 2013-2014
Presiding Judge 2014
Judge, Canton Municipal Court, 2015 - Present
Presiding and Administrative Judge 2017, 2021
Founder and specialized docket judge for Recovery Court, collaborating with StarkMHAR and CommQuest
Handled over 20,000 cases and 200 trials
Oversee criminal disposition including punishment, community control, and probation
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
Twenty years of private practice
Multiple practice areas and experience
Counseled individuals and businesses on litigation, estate planning and administration, domestic relations, family law, corporate, labor relations, real property, workers' compensation, and general matters
Twenty years in a large local law firm learning from advisors and mentoring newer attorneys.
Developing legal skills and practical advice for all manner of clients.
Studying and analyzing the law and court rules for variety of courts and crafting arguments
litigation experience in multiple courts and on multiple subject matters
Trusted advisor, counselor and advocate
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
To continue my service to the community as a trusted judge.
Born and raised in Canton, I continue to believe in my community and value the opportunity to serve in this manner.
I have innovated in areas big and small. From court process and procedure to developing a specialized docket to provide accountability and treatment for those with substance use addiction
I bring over a decade of experience to the bench offering the choice of a seasoned and knowledgeable judge
I have presided over 20,000 cases demonstrating my commitment to service and securing access to justice
With over 200 trials I have a proven track record of effectively and fairly adjudicating legal matters
I remain committed to our community and work to make our neighborhoods safer
I am known for accessibility, making it easier for individuals to navigate the legal process
I bring experience and a record of trust to our judicial system, ensuring the law is upheld impartially
My re-election will provide continuity and stability in our judicial system and I will continue my essential work