Candidate Details
- Residence
Napoleon - Email - Social Media
- Age
54 - Occupation
Judge - Education
Holgate High School
University of Toledo (BA)
University of Toledo Community and Technical College (Baccalaurette Cert)
University of Toledo College of Law
- Work Experience
Napoleon Municipal Court Judge: April, 2022-Present
Managing Attorney, UAW FCA-Ford-General Motors-Legal Service Plan: Feb, 2011-April, 2022
Contract Mediator: May, 2008-April, 2022
Staff Attorney: April, 2002-February, 2011
- Family
Married with 3 children - Affiliations
Henry County Bar Assn
Defiance County Bar Assn
Ohio State Bar Assn
Lad & Lassie Child Conservation League
NOCAC Board Member
Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution Member
St. Paul Lutheran Church

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Napoleon Municipal Court, Judge: April, 2022-Present
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I have worked with a variety of clients with a range of income levels and my legal experience has provided me with a wide perception of the legal profession.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I believe I can continue to provide the people of Henry County with the stability and adaptibility that help to define a good quality judge and to be fair and evenhanded.