Candidate Details
- Residence
Cambridge - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
38 - Occupation
Attorney, Serving as Assistant City Law Director, City of Cambridge, Ohio - Education
Graduate of Cambridge High School
Certificate in Real Estate from Hondros Business College
Graduate of Muskingum College with majors in Political Science and Criminal Justice
Graduate of Capital University Law School
- Work Experience
- Family
Happily married to Jeff Scheurer, an automotive design engineer, we recently celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. - Affiliations
Currently, I'm involved in: Rotary Club of Cambridge, Marsy's Law Task Force of Guernsey County, Special Arraignment Protocol Team, Guernsey County Farm Bureau, Guernsey County Bar Association, and a recent Graduate of Leadership Guernsey.
Previously, I have been involved in: Scioto Ridge United Methodist Church, serving as a board member, LifeGroup Leader, and facilitator teaching Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University: Kiwanis Club of Cambridge; and a volunteer dog handler with Therapy Dogs International with my rescue pup Lilly.
- Endorsements
Plumbers and Pipefitters, Local 495
U.A.W. South Eastern Ohio Community Action Program
Brotherhood of Locamotive Engineers and Trainmen of Ohio

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersN/A
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I've developed a reputation as a lawyer for being hardworking, level-headed, and fair. If elected, I will continue serving Guernsey County by being firm and fair in all proceedings.
Since I have been prosecuting cases in the Cambridge Municipal Court each week, for over 11 years as Assistant Law Director, I have a first hand view of what does and does not work in the Court. I have a great relationship with the court and probation staff, local law enforcement officers, and attorneys that routinely practice in the Court. Further, I'm involved in both the Marsy's Law Task Force and the Special Arraignment Protocol team where we work to make sure that crime victim's rights are protected and the rights of those suffering from severe mental health issues.
Additionally, as a small business owner, I am keenly aware of what it takes to run a business and address customer needs and achieve their goals. The Court operates very much like a business. The Court must be a safe place for employees and the public to visit. Further, the Court must maintain a fiscally responsible budget and use community resources wisely and efficiently. I will use those skills that I have developed as a small business owner to benefit Guernsey County.
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersI've developed a reputation as a lawyer for being hardworking, level-headed, and fair. If elected, I will continue serving Guernsey County by being firm and fair in all proceedings.
Since I have been prosecuting cases in the Cambridge Municipal Court each week, for over 11 years as Assistant Law Director, I have a first hand view of what does and does not work in the Court. I have a great relationship with the court and probation staff, local law enforcement officers, and attorneys that routinely practice in the Court. Further, I'm involved in both the Marsy's Law Task Force and the Special Arraignment Protocol team where we work to make sure that crime victim's rights are protected and the rights of those suffering from severe mental health.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
The Cambridge Municipal Court serves the people of Guernsey County. The Municipal Court has the ability to settle neighborhood disputes, address criminal and civil complaints, and ultimately make the community safer and better. I'm running to be the next Judge of Cambridge Municipal Court because I want to continue to make Guernsey County a better place - one day and one case at a time. I will be firm and fair in the courtroom. I will give litigants their day in Court. I will also work to make sure we use resources wisely and work with all city and county agencies.
Abbreviated Candidate Answers
The Cambridge Municipal Court serves the people of Guernsey County. The Municipal Court has the ability to settle neighborhood disputes, address criminal and civil complaints, and ultimately make the community safer and better. I'm running to be the next Judge of Cambridge Municipal Court because I want to continue to make Guernsey County a better place - one day and one case at a time. I will be firm and fair in the courtroom. I will give litigants their day in Court. I will also work to make sure we use resources wisely and work with all city and county agencies.