Candidate Details
- Residence
Cleveland - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
37 - Occupation
Magistrate - Education
Lorain County Community College (Post-Secondary Enrollment Option) 2003-2004
Case Western Reserve University, 2004-2007, BA
Cleveland State University School of Law, 2007-2010, JD
- Work Experience
08/11-03/12, Contract Attorney for Jones Day, Major Legal Services, Cleveland, OH;
01/11-05/12, Math & Literacy Tutor, Momentuum LLC, Cleveland, OH;
06/12/12-10/4/13, Assistant Prosecutor, City of Cleveland,
01/11-05/12, Solo Practitioner, Law Office of Joanna N. Lopez;
10/7/13-02/21/20, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office
02/24/20-03/7/2023, Magistrate, Cleveland Municipal Court (General Division), and 03/20/23-Present, Magistrate, Cleveland Housing Court.
- Family
Married with 2 children - Affiliations
100+ Latinos Cleveland Should Know (2020 Cohort); Northeast Ohio Young Black Democrats since 2017; Cuyahoga Democrats Women Caucus since ~2017, Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus since 2017; La Sagrada Familia Social Justice Commission 2016-2020; Mujeres Latinos de Impacto 2016-2018, Hispanic Alliance Board of Directors 12/18-2019; Board of Directors of the Intergenerational Schools, Secretary, Governance Committee since 08/2022; NAACP & local chapter since 1/2023 (Helped compile content for an ethics CLE before I was a dues paying member) National Congress of Black Women Caucus and local chapter since 2023, and Cleveland American Middle East Organization since 06/2023.
Professional:Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association 2007-2023, 3Rs volunteer for over a decade and 2020 Leadership Academy Project Winner (The Visionaries- Lawyers Outside the Law); National Black Prosecutors' Association & local chapter 2015-2020; Norman S. Minor Bar Association since 2016; Ohio Association of Magistrates since 2020; and Ohio Black Judges Association since 2020.
Board of Directors of Catholic Charities- Strategic Initiatives Committee since 08/2021; &
Member of La Sagrada Familia (Catholic) Church (lector).
- Endorsements
Cleveland Councilwoman Jasmin Santana;
Northern Ohio Fire Fighters Association;
The Plain Dealer;
Collective PAC;
Run For Something PAC;
Cleveland American Middle East Organization (C.A.M.E.O);
Case Western Reserve University Latinx Law Student Association Community Champion Award for 2023.
- Bar Association Ratings
Excellent -Asian American Bar Association 2023;
Excellent- Cuyahoga County Defense Lawyers Association, 2023;
Excellent-Ohio Women's Bar Association, 2023;
Good- Cuyahoga County Prosecutors' Association, 2023;
Good- Norman S. Minor Bar Association, 2023;
Good- Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, 2023.

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Magistrate, Cleveland Municipal Court General Division 02/2020-03/2023.
Magistrate, Cleveland Municipal Court Housing Division (Cleveland Housing Court) 03/2023 to present.
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I am qualified to be a judge of the Cleveland Municipal Court because I gained significant experience litigating criminal cases as an assistant prosecutor for over 7.5 years. I actually started as an assistant prosecutor for the City of Cleveland. I had 32 bench trials as an assistant prosecuting attorney for Cuyahoga County and 24 jury trials. I won 83% of my jury trials so I understand how to evaluate evidence.
As a solo practitioner I learned how to represent my client in court for civil and criminal matters so I have experience on both sides.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I aspire to be a Cleveland Municipal Court Judge because I have been a victim of crime, an assistant prosecutor, represented a client in court, and I have been a Magistrate so I know the importance a judge plays in the lives of all that interact with the court so I want to positively impact lives. I started out as an assistant prosecutor for the City of Cleveland and I was a magistrate in the Cleveland Municipal Court General Division for 3 years. As a result, I am very familiar with the interworking of the CMC. I am active in organizations that serve Clevelanders from all walks of life and that’s what we need, judges that reflect the community they are serving. As a mother of 2 young children, an Afro-Latina, and a millennial I bring diversity to the bench in various capacities. While I may be the youngest candidate in this race, my experience is the most relevant to this seat. I have significant experience litigating and arraigning cases in the Cleveland Municipal Court and I have gained civil experience as a Magistrate for 3.5 years.
I would make sure to handle the arraignment docket when assigned so that defendants will have the benefit of speaking to an APA so that if appropriate their case can be resolved at arraignment. I would encourage the court to better collaborate with the Clerk's Office so that we are on the same page regarding what is good service so the court is efficient.
I would promote DEI in the court by prioritizing community engagement so I am not tone-deaf regarding the needs and challenges people face. I will vote for inclusive policies focusing on fairness and equity in the courtroom. I will be sensitive to cultural differences to foster inclusivity.
One of the greatest challenges the Cleveland Municipal Court is facing is ensuring swift and efficient access to justice. That's hard to do when there's a backlog of cases. Court processes need to be streamlined, technology has to be improved to provide equity in the court (i.e. e-filing should be possible in 2023), and there has to be accountability. We cannot expect more from those coming to the court than from those on the bench.
My platform is simple, if elected to this seat I’ll treat everyone in the courtroom with dignity and respect. That it why I chose to run in the seat formerly held by Judge Pinkey. Carr. I’ll also participate in all efforts to track sentencing data, engage in smart sentencing, bail reform, and restorative justice practices when appropriate.
Abbreviated Candidate Answers
I aspire to be a Cleveland Municipal Court Judge because I have been a victim of crime, an assistant prosecutor, represented a client in court, and I have been a Magistrate so I know the importance a judge plays in the lives of all that interact with the court so I want to positively impact lives. I started out as an assistant prosecutor for the City of Cleveland and I was a magistrate in the Cleveland Municipal Court General Division for 3 years. As a result, I am very familiar with the interworking of the CMC. My experience is the most relevant to this seat. I have significant experience litigating and arraigning cases in the Cleveland Municipal Court.
I would promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the court by prioritizing community engagement so I am not tone-deaf regarding the needs and challenges people face. I will vote for inclusive policies focusing on fairness and equity in the courtroom. I will be sensitive to cultural differences to foster inclusivity.
My platform is simple, if elected to this seat I’ll treat everyone in the courtroom with dignity and respect. That it why I chose to run in the seat formerly held by Judge Pinkey. Carr. I’ll also participate in all efforts to track sentencing data, engage in smart sentencing, bail reform, and restorative justice practices when appropriate.