Candidate Details
- Residence
Solon - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
50 - Occupation
Judge - Education
Glenville High School
Ursuline College
Cleveland Marshall College of Law
- Work Experience
Cuyahoga Common Please Court Judge 2019-2020 and December 2021 - Present
Ohio Attorney General- Assistant Attorney General Jan 2021-December 2021
I was self-employed from November 2011 until December 31, 2018. I was a solo
practitioner, at the Law Office of Wanda C. Jones from 2011 until 2015. I was a partner at Axner & Jones LLP until December 2018.MBNA/ Bank of America 1998-2011 Credit Analyst
United States Postal Service
- Family
Married with 6 children ranging in age from 7 years old to 31 years old - Affiliations
I currently serve on the Board of Directors of Village of Healing, Euclid, Ohio. Its mission is to reduce the health disparities among black women in Cuyahoga County.
Black Women's Political Action Committee
- Endorsements 2022
Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association
C.A.M.E.O- Cleveland Middle East Organization
- Bar Association Ratings
November 8, 2022 General Election Judicial Candidate Ratings | Cuyahoga County (
Norman S. Minor - Excellent
Asian American Bar Association- Good
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association- Good
Cuyahoga County Defense Lawyers Association- Good
Ohio Women's Bar Association- Good

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Judge Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court
2019, 2020 and 2022
Abbreviated Candidate Answers
Judge Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court
2019, 2020 and 2022
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
Before obtaining my law degree, I worked in the financial industry for two decades. My work experience before 2012, includes being a mail carrier for the United States Postal Service and a preschool teacher. I worked full-time while raising my children and completing both my undergraduate and law degrees.
In private practice, I handled a variety of cases including Family Law, Domestic Relations, Juvenile-Delinquency, Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency; Business Litigation, Probate Litigation, General Civil Litigation, Administrative, and Worker’s Compensation.
I served as an Assistant Attorney General with the Ohio Attorney General's Office from Jan 2021- December 2021
Abbreviated Candidate AnswersI am a member of the Ohio Black Judges Association, Black Women’s Political Action Committee, Cleveland Association of Middle Eastern Americans, and the Irish American Law Society. I am most proud of sitting on the board of The Village of Healing in Euclid, Ohio. I volunteer in my community in both formal and informal ways, whether teaching students at Mound Elementary school in Cleveland about how a trial works or volunteering with local food banks. I am an active member of my community and focus my volunteer efforts where needed.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I served as a trial court Judge in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas for two years before being recently reappointed in December 2021. I am an experienced jurist who took on one of the most challenging dockets in our court. I have made a significant positive impact in terms of resolving some of the oldest cases in our county and bringing community partners in to provide on-site services in my courtroom. For example, Crisis Canines provide emotional support for victims, and other organizations provide case management, mentoring, and mental health services or enroll defendants for Medicaid. I have significantly reduced the number of pending cases on a large docket. I am dedicated to restoring public confidence in our courts. I have a judicial reputation for fairness, thoughtfulness, and independence. I believe in the rule of law and that Judges have a responsibility to ensure that politics stay out of the courtroom.
I am a member of the Ohio Black Judges Association, Black Women’s Political Action Committee, Cleveland Association of Middle Eastern Americans, and the Irish American Law Society. I am most proud of sitting on the board of The Village of Healing in Euclid, Ohio. I volunteer in my community in both formal and informal ways, whether teaching students at Mound Elementary school in Cleveland about how a trial works or volunteering with local food banks. I am an active member of my community and focus my volunteer efforts where needed.
Abbreviated Candidate Answers
I served as a trial court Judge in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas for two years before being recently reappointed in December 2021. I am an experienced jurist who took on one of the most challenging dockets in our court. I have made a significant positive impact in terms of resolving some of the oldest cases in our county and bringing community partners in to provide on-site services in my courtroom. For example, Crisis Canines provide emotional support for victims, and other organizations provide case management, mentoring, and mental health services or enroll defendants for Medicaid. I have significantly reduced the number of pending cases on a large docket. I am dedicated to restoring public confidence in our courts. I have a judicial reputation for fairness, thoughtfulness, and independence. I believe in the rule of law and that Judges have a responsibility to ensure that politics stay out of the courtroom.
I am a member of the Ohio Black Judges Association, Black Women’s Political Action Committee, Cleveland Association of Middle Eastern Americans, and the Irish American Law Society. I am most proud of sitting on the board of The Village of Healing in Euclid, Ohio. I volunteer in my community in both formal and informal ways, whether teaching students at Mound Elementary school in Cleveland about how a trial works or volunteering with local food banks. I am an active member of my community and focus my volunteer efforts where needed.