Candidate Details
- Residence
Rocky River - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
57 - Occupation
Judge, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court - Education
Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, OH, J.D. 1990
Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN, B.A. 1987
Westlake High School, Westlake, OH, 1983
- Work Experience
Judge, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court, General Division, 2011-Present
Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecuting Attorney, 1995-2011
Private Practice
- Family
Married - Affiliations
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association
Ohio State Bar Association
West Shore Bar Association
Common Pleas Judge's Association
Ohio Black Judge's Association
Judicial Advisory Board, McDonnell Center Community Based Correctional Facility
Judge, Specialized Commercial Docket (01/01/2018-12/31/2020)
Executive Committee 8th District Judicial Conference, Civil Litigation (2015)
Court Civil Rules Committee
Court Diversity Committee
Court Probation Committe
Court Health and Wellness Committee
Court Case Flow Committee
- Endorsements and The Plain Dealer
North Shore AFL-CIO Federation of Labor
AFSCME Power in Action
Building Laborers’ Union Local No. 310
UAW Region2B
Black Women's Political Action Committee (BWPAC)
For a full list of Endorsements, see:
- Bar Association Ratings
Rated "Excellent" by the Ohio Women's Bar Association.

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Judge, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court, General Division, 2011-present
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I served as an Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecuting Attorney for over 15 years where I gained extensive trial and litigation experience prior to assuming the position of trial court judge. During my tenure in the Prosecutor's Office, I worked in the Child Support Unit, Juvenile Division, General Felony Unit, Community-Based Prosecution Unit, Elder Protection Section of the Major Trial Unit and was a Supervisor in the General Felony Unit. I handled hundreds of cases including pretrials, hearings and trials, work that was imperative in seeking the position of Common Pleas Court Judge. I also practiced in the Eighth District Court of Appeals in handling the Appellate work for the cases that I prosecuted. As a Supervisor in the General Felony Unit, I maintained a caseload and assisted in training new prosecutors and resolving cases with defense counsel.
My experience as an Assistant Prosecutor provided me with the opportunity to not only litigate in the courtroom but also to be engaged in the community under a solution driven approach to creating safer neighborhoods. As a Community Based Prosecutor, I was assigned to the City of Cleveland Wards 8, 9, 10, and 11 and worked in collaboration with community leaders, residents, activists and law enforcement to reduce crime and increase safety. I participated in drug vigils, curfew sweeps and attended neighborhood meetings to address concerns and issues in the community. Through this initiative, I, with my colleagues extended the presence of the Prosecutor's Office into parks, schools, and neighborhoods. I also organized community outreach for the Prosecutor's Office as the outreach coordinator. As part of the outreach program, assistant prosecutors regularly attended school speaking engagements, block club meetings, safety fairs and community meetings.
I was also the Director of the Northern Ohio Elder Protection Training Council (NOEPTC), a collaboration of agencies/individuals created to train law enforcement on prosecuting crimes against the elderly. In addition to prosecuting these specialized cases, I participated in the preparation of the curriculum for training law enforcement on investigating abuse and financial exploitation of the elderly. As part of NOEPTC, I assisted in organizing the educational trainings throughout the Northern District of Ohio.
My lengthy experience as a trial lawyer proved to be invaluable in transitioning to the Bench for both my criminal and civil docket. I had a thorough understanding of issues, challenges and roadblocks that litigators face in all phases of litigation.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I am running for re-election to my 3rd term on the Common Pleas Court. I have been on the Bench for over eleven years and am looking forward to continuing my service to the citizens of Cuyahoga County and continuing the important work of the Court. Since being elected, I have actively participated on different court committees to improve the efficiency, accessibility and transparency of the Court to the litigants and the public. I am passionate about the work that I have done and am committed to making a difference. I work hard every day to assist parties in reaching a just and fair resolution of their case.
Experience matters. I have presided over thousands of cases, including pretrials, hearings, settlement conferences, and trials, both criminal and civil. I presided over a specialized Commercial Docket for 3 years, 2018-2020. I am Co-Chair of the Judicial Advisory Board of the McDonnell Center Comunity Based Correctional Facility, a sentencing alternative to reduce recidivism through extensive programming, monitoring and supervision. Since I have been on the Board many positive changes have occurred at the facility including increased programming and services for eligible participants.
The Covid-19 Pandemic radically changed the way the Court and legal community conduct business. The Court quickly responded to the demands and constraints of Covid-19 and adopted remote proceedings for both criminal and civil matters. I have continued to use technology to conduct proceedings remotely when appropriate to avoid the unnecessary cost and expense of personal appearances for the litigants.
I have the dedication, commitment, integrity and strong work ethic in dispensing justice fairly and impartially to all. I am accessible and open-minded to any changes to serve the Court and our community more efficiently and effectively. As I have extensive trial experience as a judge and former assistant prosecutor, I sincerely appreciate the countless hours involved in motion practice, trial preparation and trial. Responsibility lies with the judge to make sure cases, including pretrial motions, are heard timely.
I have been a part of implementing positive changes and reform to the Common Pleas Court. Those changes have greatly benefitted the public and legal community. Although the Court is moving forward in a positive direction, more work needs to be done. I have an open-mind and am committed to improving and strengthening the justice system for all. I look forward to continuing the work that I have done and to support the proactive approach of the Court in reform to better serve the citizens of Cuyahoga County.
My broad experience, extensive trial work, integrity, judicial temperament, impartiality, accessibility, and strong work ethic clearly support my candidacy for re-election. I have 27 years of dedicated and committed public service to my community. It has been an honor and privilege to serve the citizens of Cuyahoga County for the past 11 years as a Common Pleas Court Judge.