Candidate Details
- Residence
University Heights - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
67 - Occupation
Judge - Education
Saint Ignatius High School
John Carroll University
Trinity College of Dublin
Cleveland Marshall College of Law - Work Experience
Over three decades of legal experience as a public defender, a judge and an attorney.
Chief Public Defender, Geauga County, 1984-1990; l
Lawyer, Laurie Hull and Doyle, 1983-1993
Judge, Common Pleas Court 1993-2009. Elected three times.
Partner, Buckley King LPA, 2009-2017
Partner, Collins Scanlon LPA 2017-2020
Mansuer Gavin LPA 2020-2021
Judge, Common Pleas Court 2021-present - Family
Married to high school prom date Martha. 3 adult sons: Kenneth III, Owen & Cameron Patrick - Affiliations
Board, Past President, Manos Inn of Court
Board, Past President, Catholic Lawyers Guild
Member, Cuyahoga County Charter Review Commission
Past Member, Federal Judicial Advisory Commission
Former Vice Chair Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Judicial Selection Committee
Former Board Member, Cuyahoga Law Library
Past President, Cleveland Civil War Roundtable
Baseball Coach, 2002-2012
Arrupe Board, St. Ignatius High School
Alumni of the Year, Cleveland Marshall Law
Cardinal Bellarmine Award, St. Ignatius High
Justice Rehnquist Award - Endorsements
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association
Laborers Local 310
International Longshoremen Association 1317
Iron Workers Local 17
CAMEO - Bar Association Ratings
November 8, 2022 General Election Judicial Candidate Ratings | Cuyahoga County (
Norman S. Minor - Excellent
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association - Excellent
Cuyahoga County Defense Lawyers Association - Excellent
Ohio Women's Bar Association - Good
Asian American Bar Association - Excellent

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Judge Cuyahoga County Common Pleas
1993 - 2008, 2021-current. Nearly 20 years of experience.
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
My work experience prior to becoming a Common Pleas Judge I worked as a Public Defender. As you may know Public Defenders often are tasked with providing legal representation to the indigent. Eligibility for citizens to be represented by a Public Defender is based upon income. Put simply, public defenders often legally represent underserved and needy populations who without proper representation could possibly unjustly lose their ability to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
In private practice, I handled a wide array of cases including but not limited to large Commercial Foreclosure and Receivership, Family Law, Business Litigation, General Civil Litigation, Real Estate Litigation and Federal Criminal Defense.
Lastly, as a husband of 35 years and the father of three, I have learned to respect women and raise a family.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I have had the opportunity of a lifetime to serve on the Cuyahoga Common Pleas for nearly 20 years over the past three decades. I have the experience, temperament and knowledge to handle the complex and challenging cases that come before the court. I presided over the Cleveland Browns case and approved a settlement whereby the Browns name and colors would stay in Cleveland and play in a new stadium. I believe I have made a significant impact by advocating for common sense reforms such as decreasing the incarceration rates and trying to improve prison conditions. Furthermore I understand the importance of making sure that I am staying up to date on cases in my docket. A commitment I have made since taking the oath of office is ensuring justice and fairness for all - this is an oath I take very seriously and will continue to do so if elected for another 4 year unexpired term.
As you can see in my experience mentioned above I have had the honor of receiving "excellent" ratings from most of the major bar associations. In my downtime I have had the privilege of serving on the: Federal Judicial Advisory Commission, Catholic Lawyers Guild Board, Cuyahoga Law Library Board, the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Judicial Selection Committee and many other positions. I would be honored if you considered me for another 4 year unexpired term to serve on the Cuyahoga Common Pleas.