Candidate Details
- Residence
Solon - Email - Social Media - Age
69 - Occupation
Judge - Education
John Adams High School - Cleveland, Ohio
Bachelor of Arts- History, Cleveland State University
Masters of Education- Curriculum and Instruction, Cleveland State University
Juris Doctor- Cleveland Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University
- Work Experience
Judge, Court of Common Pleas since 2019
Practiced law for 19 years prior to taking the bench, served as Prosecutor for both the cities of Bedford Heights and Warrensville Heights, Magistrate in both Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court and Bedford Municipal Court. Served the chiildren of Cuyahoga County as Guardian ad Litem and Asst. Law Director for the city of Bedford Heights.
- Family
Married 50 years to my childhood sweetheart, 4 children and 6 grand children. - Affiliations
Civic and community involvement include food pantry distributions, laptop donations to public school students in Cleveland and Columbus at the height of the Pandemic. Prior to the Pandemic, a frequent face in classrooms to encourage our young people and their parents at special events, which include speaker at middle school graduations. Also involved with other activities through my association with the National Council of Negro Women( Western Reserve Section) and the Black Women's Political Action Committee, which include donations to women's shelters, the Boys and Girls Club of Cleveland and voter information and registration. Professional affiliations include Ohio Black Judges, National Bar Association, Cleveland Marshall College of Law Alumni, Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, Norman S. Minor Bar Association and Commissioner, Borard of Professional Conduct. Member of the Rome Missionary Baptist Church, Oakwood Village, Ohio, Pastor Claudie Williams Jr.
- Endorsements
Northshore AFL-CIO Federation of Labor
UAW- Region 2B
- Bar Association Ratings
8/3/22 - Rated excellent by all 4 bar associations- Judge4Yourself

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Judge- Cuyahoga County ourt of Common Pleas since 2019
Magistrate - Bedford Municipal Court (Traffic 2007-2008)
Magistrate - Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court ( 1999-2003)
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
As a public school educatior for 20 years, my ears have have been trained to listen. Judges must be good listeners.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
Open seat and will extend my time on the bench as requested by the residents of Cuyahoga County.