Candidate Details
- Residence
Springfield Ohio - Email - Social Media
- Age
61 - Occupation
Robert N Lancaster Jr, Trial Lawyer - Education
University of Dayton School of Law, JD
Wittenberg University, BA
Greenon High School
- Work Experience
Robert N Lancaster Jr, Trial Lawyer
Founder, Springfield Tutoring Academy, providing remedial education to underprivileged and special needs children
Pavlatos, Catanzaro & Lancaster, Partner
Paul D Malina, Associate
Clark State College, Adjunt Professor
- Family
3 children - Affiliations
Board Certified In Family Law, Civil Trial Advocacy and Pretrial Practce, Million Dollar Advovacy Forum, America's Top 100 Attorneys, Lifetime Achievment, 10 Best Attorneys for exceptional service, American Institute of Family Law Attorneys, Ohio State Bar Association, Colorado State Bar Association, American Bar Association, American Association for Justice, Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers, Clark County Bar Association
Little League Baseball, Boy Scouts Of America, Community club & People Helping People, South Charleston, Ohio
Presbyterian Church
- Endorsements
Clark County Republican Sheriff, Deborah Burchett,
Former Clark County Republican Central Committee Chairman & Execcutive Committee Co-chairman Mark Johnson,
Former Republican Party Executive Chairman, Daniel Harkins - Bar Association Ratings
United States Supreme Court, The United States Court of Appeals, The United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio Western Division, The Supreme Court of Ohio, and The Supreme Court of Colorado.
I have been active with scouts, 4-h, youth sports and the arts

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
Adjunct Professor at Clark State College Teaching Political Science and Communications
Founder, Springfield Tutoring Academy, Non-Profit remedial education center
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I have a long record of exceptional legal and philanthropic service to our community. My credentials far exceeded the minimum necessary to run for judge. I am the only Board Certified candidate in this election. I have 35 years of legal experience. I am the only candidate with an office in Clark County.
Our county deserves someone who does more than the minimum and who is free of conflict
I have always worked hard, acted ethically and given back to the community. These are some of the reasons why I received the endorsement of Republican Clark County Sheriff Deborah Burchett.
I will be fair and impartial and hold criminals accountable.
I am a conservative and will apply the law rather than make it