Candidate Details
- Residence
New Carlisle - Email - Website - Social Media - Age
46 - Occupation
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney - Education
Tecumseh High School
Heidelberg College
Thomas Cooley Law School 2001
- Work Experience
2001-2005 Private Practice, Warden and Driscoll Law Office
2005 - 2021 Clark County Assistant Prosecuting Attoreny
2021 Clark County Muncipal Court Judge
2022 Champaign County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
- Family
Married, wife Carol, 4 Children - Affiliations
TAYSA Soccer
Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
- Endorsements
Clark County Deputies FOP Lodge 209
Springfield Police Patrolman's Association
Springfield Command Officer Association
Chief Michael Stitzel, German Township
Chief Jarrod Campbell, Village of North Hampton
Chief Steve Moody, Retired Springield Police Division
Chief Deputy Eric Homes, Champaign County Sheriff's Office
State Representative Kyle Koehler
Col. Rich Lohnes, Clark County Commissioner, Ret.
- Bar Association Ratings

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Clark County Municipal Court 2021
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I have been a trial Lawyer for 21 years, and have spent most of the last 17 years being an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney. I have been in the Court room trying cases, handling pleas and pretrials on a daily basis. I have prosecuted and tried murders, drug dealers and child rapist.
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
With the Retirement of Judge Richard O'Neill I want o ensure that the citizens of Clark County have a judge who understands, and has been a part of, the criminal justice system. To further ensure that Clark County has a judge who understands and will properly carry out the role in the sentencing of a defendant. This includes punishing the defendant and protecting the citizens. And I want to ensure Clark County has a judge who will ensure that victims feel like they have been listned too, and are part of the process.