Candidate Details
- Residence
Canfield - Email - Social Media - Age
68 - Occupation
Judge of the Seventh District Court of Appeals - Education
University of Akron School of Law, JD
Youngstown State University, BA
- Work Experience
Judge of the Seventh District Court of Appeals
part-time professor at Youngstown State University
Private practice of law
Assistant Youngstown City Prosecutor
Assistant Ohio Attorney General
Brakeman at Erie Lackawanna Railroad
Stock clerk at Sparkle Market
- Family
Married with three daughters - Affiliations
Nathaniel R. Jones American Inn of Court
American Bar Association
Ohio State Bar Association
Mahoning County Bar Association
Florida Bar Association
Lawyers Assistant Commitee
Youngstown State University Moot Court Competition Team advisor
Addiction Programs of Mahoning County (past member)
St. Christine's Parish Council (past member)
American Cancer Association (past member)
Canfield Schools Career Counseling Community Advisory Board (past member)
Mahoning County Bar Association Board of Trustees (past member)
- Bar Association Ratings
Highly Recommended, Mahoning County Bar Association 2016
current election cycle has not been conducted yet

Question 1
List your judicial experience (courts and years)
Seventh District Court of Appeals 1993-present
Sat by assignment on the Ohio Supreme Court Multiple times while an appellate judge
Question 2
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
Assistant Youngstown city prosecutor
general private practice of law
Assistant Ohio state attorney general
professor of law classes at Youngstown State University
law clerk, Youngstown city law department
member of the Appellate Review Office, University of Akron School of Law
research assistant to the Dean, University of Akron School of Law
legal intern, Mahoning and Trumbull counties Prosecutor's Office
Question 3
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I still really enjoy my work on the court and feel I have become good at. I work very well with my colleagues on the court and my ability, experience, work ethic, reputation for integrity and empathy all qualify me to continue on the Court. I have also sat by assignment on the Ohio Supreme Court multiple times and have shown leadership by being elected Chief Judge of the Ohio Courts of Appeal Judges Association and the Presiding and Administrative Judge of the Seventh District Court of Appeals. I also enjoy conducting community outreach projects from the Court educating members of the public about the workings of the courts and would like to continue to do so. Our government works best when we have an informed electorate in order to keep our public officials accountable.